Poppies, pennies and new past times.

This week in Primary One, the children in P1A have made me so proud. They all observed the minute silence for Remembrance Day and were able to explain why it is important for us all to stay quiet at the same time.

In maths, we have been investigating money.

In Literacy, we have been sound and word detectives, looking for our target words in a range of books.

We also tried a new reading position, some of us thought it was comfier and some of us prefer to sit with legs in a basket.



Our creative juices were flowing when we designed our own poppies.

Here are a few more pictures of this week’s learning.

Next week is Scottish Book Week, we have our trip to the library on Wednesday and lots of fun, book based activities to complete in class. We also have a book based STEM activity planned so if anyone has any boxes or cartons that we can save from recycling, please just send them into class and we will make good use of them.

It has been another busy week, but we all still found the time to relax, whether that was when “watching” the football or enjoying a spa break!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I look forward to all the Monday morning news.

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