Pumpkins, Play Doh and Halloween mischief.

There have been some really spooky goings on in P1a this week.

Helped hugely by the new P1 play doh station!

In literacy we have been learning our new sounds ai, j and oa and developing our reading skills using all of the sounds we have learned so far.

In maths we have been learning to sequence the Months of the Year and further developing our knowledge of the seasons and days of the week.

Outdoors we were displaying our excellent gardening skills to prepare the garden for winter.

And we have still had lots of time for developing our taught skills through our play.

We’ve had another busy week. Thanks to everyone who has returned the profile books, these are now filling up with lots of learning experiences. We are now keeping the welly boots in the cloakroom so that the children can wear them on really wet days, like today. Can I just remind everyone that the weather is really changeable just now and it is really helpful if the children all have a rain jacket even when the weather is fine in the mornings (also, a wee change of clothes in school bags is useful for when accidents happen or when wee feet get soaked outdoors – or indoors at the water station!)

Have a great weekend!

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