Stories, sounds and STEM


I hope everyone had a great holiday week. It has been so lovely to welcome everyone back and  hear all of their stories.

This week in PE we have been working on ball skills, everyone loves using the blue bobbly balls!

We have been learning and working with our new sounds l,f & b.


And we have been completing lots of activities to help us remember all of the sounds that we have been learning.

In writing, we have been creating story journeys.

And we have all now “written” a helicopter story so we have been putting them into our special profile books and illustrating them.

We continue to investigate Seasons in maths and have been discovering so much about weight, size, ordering and balance using the pumpkins, conkers and leaves in our Autumn display.

We took our maths learning outdoors, to investigate patterns.

And in the creative area, we created our own STEM challenges with the peas and sticks.

Here are a few more pictures of some of out learning from this week.


I hope everyone is managing to access our Google Classroom for homework information, any issues, please contact me through the school office.

I’m still waiting for a few Profile Books to be returned, we are now using these in class, so I’d really appreciate if they could be returned as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in wellies, our shelf in the welly shed is nearly full. I’m still missing a few pairs though, and we will be starting to investigate more outdoors really soon. I don’t want any school shoes getting ruined in the muddy woodland, so it would be great if all of the children had their wellies in school.

Have a great weekend!

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