Patterns, potatoes and lots of play

This week in P1a there has been so much excitement as we further investigated our minibeast topic. We have been learning about bees and linking our maths learning about 2D Shapes with the hexagon shapes that bees create in their hives. We worked together to create hexagons and then placed them together to create a beeswax pattern.

In the outdoors areas we developed our learning about senses. This week, Miss Bishop was telling us about sight and we used our eyes and magnifying glasses to investigate in the garden.

This week’s new sounds were s,a and t. The children were very excited to find that even with three sounds, they can build and blend words.

We have been investigating 2D shape in Maths and further developing our number knowledge. We worked collaboratively in groups to create number lines.

In our construction area, our buildings are getting even more elaborate, and we have been taking inspiration from buildings around the world.

We took advantage of the fabulous weather this week and harvested the potatoes that p1a planted last year – prompting lots of discussion about why potatoes need peeled. We then planted Spring bulbs outdoors and in pots to grow indoors.

Phew – what a busy week.

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