Books, BeeBots and buildings.

There was so much excitement in P1a this week with the arrival of our first Storyworld Reading Books. These will be sent home for you to enjoy as part of out homework starting next week.

We have been sequencing the story, building the sentences and drawing the story.

Our Numeracy and Maths focuses have been 2D Shape and subitising.

We have learned three new sounds this week.

Miss Bishop was teaching us about position and direction using the BeeBots.

We have been exploring nature outdoors.

In our creative area, we were investigating the texture of oobleck (sorry for any cornflour covered uniforms!)






The sand area has prompted so much discussion about measuring volume.

These three little stars have been conducting investigations and solving “crimes” in the classroom!

The construction area has been filled with so many fabulous buildings – and some gym equipment!

We have had the metal loose parts out again, this time to create houses for our Junk DNA people.

I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday weekend and look forward to hearing all about everyone’s adventures next week.

Building with peas, bricks and sounds

This week we have had special visitors in the school who came to see our classroom and observe our learning.  They were so impressed with the way the children led their own learning, followed the rules of the classroom and engaged in all of their learning tasks. It was so nice to show off how well everyone has settled in to school life in such a short period of time.

We have completed the first set of Jolly Phonics sounds SATPIN and the children have been building and blending words. They are all so keen to start reading books and we will start to explore Storyworld next week.

We have been further developing our phonological awareness learning about word boundaries.

Miss Bishop taught us about algorithms and how to code using the BeeBots.

In PE we have been learning about basic rolls in gymnastics in the gym hall and developing our ball skills outdoors in the MUGA.

In Maths, we continue to investigate number and also 2D Shape – we went outdoors on a shape hunt and have been learning about the properties of various shapes building on our learning about bee hive hexagons last week.

We have been talking about our classroom areas and how to improve them – the children have some great ideas, although I’m not sure how a swimming pool in the role play would work!

We had an outdoors STEM challenge to create a den. Three teams competed and then it was so lovely to see the children decide to make one bit den for them all to go inside.

The building skills also continue to develop in the construction area.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Patterns, potatoes and lots of play

This week in P1a there has been so much excitement as we further investigated our minibeast topic. We have been learning about bees and linking our maths learning about 2D Shapes with the hexagon shapes that bees create in their hives. We worked together to create hexagons and then placed them together to create a beeswax pattern.

In the outdoors areas we developed our learning about senses. This week, Miss Bishop was telling us about sight and we used our eyes and magnifying glasses to investigate in the garden.

This week’s new sounds were s,a and t. The children were very excited to find that even with three sounds, they can build and blend words.

We have been investigating 2D shape in Maths and further developing our number knowledge. We worked collaboratively in groups to create number lines.

In our construction area, our buildings are getting even more elaborate, and we have been taking inspiration from buildings around the world.

We took advantage of the fabulous weather this week and harvested the potatoes that p1a planted last year – prompting lots of discussion about why potatoes need peeled. We then planted Spring bulbs outdoors and in pots to grow indoors.

Phew – what a busy week.

Bugs, Chats and Super Sleuths.

This week in Primary 1A we have been working on our listening and talking skills. In Circle Time, I was very impressed with the way all of the children shared their ideas and listened carefully to what their classmates had to say.

We have all been writing Helicopter Stories and acting them out with out friends.

And we have been further developing our phonological awareness and early literacy skills.

We have been developing our Fine and Gross Motor Skills.

After lots of deliberation and debate, the children have selected Minibeasts as their first topic. We spent time outdoors looking for creatures and very carefully catching them so that we could get a closer look at them through the magnifying glasses. Mr Weir showed us some great bug hiding places.

Even in the classroom we discovered a huge moth that had flown inside so that we could have a look at him too!






Everyone who passes through our classroom comments on how fabulous the creations in the construction area are.

The children have all settled in so well and it is lovely to see their friendships developing as they play.

Finally, these wee super sleuths were undercover in the library, it looked like they were sharing a book, until you looked closer and noticed the binoculars!


I hope you have a great weekend and look forward to another great week of learning.