Category Archives: Uncategorized

Outdoor Learning in P1b!

We have had a wonderful time in our Woodland area the past two weeks. Yesterday we returned to our Outdoor Learning Area which was very exciting!

We were working as a team, to help balance one another whilst climbing on the log and then jumping to land safely within the puddle.

H. was super pleased when he was able to create a tall building which he could stand on top of! Well done!

We were playing Kings and Queens. We were building a throne for ourselves using only crates.

We took our knowledge of sounds outdoors when we were splatting the sounds that we know!

We were creating a maze using lollipop sticks for our friends to follow!

We love exploring numbers, especially outdoors!

As a team. we worked together to flip the lid over to put it back safely on to the water tray.

Super learning as always P1B!

P1b The Wonder of Woodland!

We were hunting for autumn treasures we found apples, seeds and leaves. We used our maths skills to compare the different shapes, sizes and types of leaves. Then we sorted them.

We were using our counting and number skills when collecting worms and playing games.

“ I had 4 worms but I lost 1 so now I have 3.”

We made up a game to help practice numbers. “If we say a number you have to jump to that number.”

We enjoyed playing what’s the time Mr Wolf.

Exploring shape and using the logs to make a circle.

We were having a race with the tyres and looked at how we could make them go faster. We made a ramp and that worked well!

We used our literacy skills and created our own story corner. We made up and shared our own spooky stories about skeletons, werewolves and pumpkins.



Literacy Adventures in P1C!

This week in literacy we have been learning more new sounds and to help with out letter formation we practice making our new letters in lots of different ways.

We’ve also been practising matching pictures to the correct sound.

In reading, we have been learning how to sequence a story and we are excellent at identify the beginning, middle and end of our stories. 

Now that we know so many new sounds, we are beginning to blend our sounds together to make lots of different words. We are very good at finding rhyming words and spelling these words as well.

We love sharing all our wonderful learning with you, look out for more adventures next week!





Baking, Building and Bones in P1D

This week in Primary 1D we have been learning about how doctors mend broken bones, we made X-Ray pictures of our own hands and created skeleton pictures.

In maths we have continued to investigate shape and number.

Being a shape detective



Using the geoboards to create 2D shapes and discussing the properties of the shapes we have made.


Counting with spiders (well, it is Halloween)







We are focusing on the books of Julia Donaldson for story time. This week we are reading Zog, after we found him hiding in the pages of “Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book” and the “Smeds and the Smoos”.

We are very proud of our Wurpular Wood Collage, and we even managed to find Stick Man on one of our trips down to the school woodland.





Turning all of the new sounds we have been learning into words.

Outdoors making fires and cooking marshmallow and stew. We love to race the tyres down the ramp and cheer one another on.

We took the camera to PE this week. 

We have been learning to create shapes with our bodies, balance and use our core muscles.

Our classmates in Slessor were at the house rewards afternoon while the rest of the class were developing our life skills. We learned about Food Hygiene and the importance of clean hands and then we iced and decorated biscuits. 

We even made Central Station in the construction area. Another fabulous, busy week of learning in Primary 1.

Learning through our Halloween Inspired Areas! (P1b)

Welcome back to our blog! We have enjoyed learning through play in our Halloween inspired areas. We began the week making a sign using all our knowledge of sounds.

We are sharing out our meals equally amongst our friends. We were making slimy and squishy pasta!

We were also making potions within our cauldron. We added in eyeballs, brains, frogs and stones to create different potions!

We are being extremely creative to make spooky characters. We made pumpkins, spiders, ghosts and vampires. We cut out shapes to create hands, mouth and eyes such as triangles and semi circles.

We have began Developing the Young Workforce and we started by completed a challenge within Design and Manufacture. We read the Little Three Pigs and our brief was to create a strong and stable house for the Pigs. However, we were only allowed to use cocktail sticks, dried beans and play dough.

However, using our concentration and team work, we solved how to make a house which was strong!

In our topic of People Who Help Us, we were exploring how we can look after our bones. We learnt that our hands have 27 bones each!

As a team, we worked hard to complete this puzzle. We were learning  interesting facts about the Human Body.

As we have four computers in our class, we have now learnt how to switch on a computer, log in using our username and password and can operate a mouse correctly. Well done everybody!

P1a are Maths champions!

In Numeracy and Mathematics P.1a are working hard and learning lots!

We have been measuring in non standard units comparing lengths and ordering them in size. We worked with a partner to find out the length of our shoes and tried to work out how many more cubes the bigger shoe was in length.

















Arran- “My shoe is bigger.”












We measured the length of items round the room.

London- “I measured the length of the chair.

We have been working with money identifying coins, sorting them and beginning to use coins to show amounts of money.























Our number  skills are progressing very well. We practise counting every day, identify missing numbers on the number lines, and can order numbers from smallest to largest. We can use the bead strings to show a number and use them in dice games.































We have also been learning to add two numbers together to make a total. We call these calculations!

Stuart- “I counted out the beads and added them together.”

Super Maths work P.1a!

P1B Woodland Adventures

We had a lovely time today down in the woodland in P1b and found lots of different things to explore and share with others.

We were testing out different surfaces, some are hard and some are soft.

We used lots of good words beginning with S to describe the mud like soft, sticky, squelchy and slimy .

We checked surfaces to see how slippy they were helping to keep each other safe.

We enjoyed swinging, rolling and balancing.

We went on a bug hunt and compared the length and thickness of lots of different worms.

We used the sticks to build up the roof in our willow dome
and put some together to make shapes.

”This is like a triangle.”

We used the binoculars to see up high in the trees
and looked at how all the leaves are changing.

And enjoyed making mud cupcakes in our cafe.

We had a great time working together and helping each other.

P1C’s Learning Adventures!

Welcome back to our class blog!

In maths this week, we have been practising our counting and we can count forwards and backwards from different numbers. We have also been learning about numbers before and after and we used our number fans to show our answers.


We’ve been learning to identify missing numbers from a number line and have been creating our own number lines.

We were adding numbers using different amounts of numicon, for example we knew that three and one made four.

We have also been exploring fractions and to do this we had a teddy bear picnic. We had to decide how to share the food equally, some items had to be cut and some items had to be counted and shared out.  We compared the parts of food we had cut and discussed halves and making sure each part was equal.

We also love creating numbers in our construction area!

Within DYW, we are learning about sustainability and we used our knowledge of shapes to create these amazing recycled robots!


Look out for next weeks adventures!




P1D Cloud Watching and Cooking Skills

Welcome back to Primary 1D.

This week we have been learning about shape and have found different shapes in lots of interesting places. We went on a shape hunt in the playground and then noticed that the airplanes in the sky were making lines and so we lay down and found even more shapes in the sky (and a cloud shaped like a dinosaur).

Before the holidays we made Sensory Salt Dough leaves. We added Cloves, Cinnamon and All Spice to the dough and so when we returned to school, the classroom smelled lovely.

In PE, we have started developing our gymnastics skills. we have been learning all about staying safe in the gym hall, working together to move the gymnastics equipment and making shapes with our bodies (with all the excitement of the children changing into gym kits for the first time, Mrs Dougall forgot to take the camera to the gym hall, but promises to take lots of photos next week!)

We had a special visitor in the classroom called Julien. He is a teacher in a school in Cannes and told us all about where he lives and the school day in France. We enjoyed practicing our French speaking skills and Julien enjoyed helping us with our writing lesson.

The whole school are now spending one afternoon each week Developing the Young Workforce and for the first block, we are working on Life Skills, starting with food, food hygiene and nutrition. We have been learning about the importance of clean hands and safe use of knives. We made spooky orange pumpkins. I was very impressed with how responsible the children were.

We are all proud of our fruit pumpkins!

P1A Woodland Creations and Investigations.

We had great fun exploring different areas of the woodland, using our imaginations to create roles, share recipies, adventures and creations. We enjoyed working together and sharing our thoughts and ideas with each other. Here are some we have captured to share with you………

“ You look through it and it makes things bigger.”

“A hot chocolate puddle.”

“I like splashing.”

“It’s a chocolate pie for you.”

“Let’s see how deep this one is.”

“We have made a fountain, you can use it to move the apples.”

“We are scientists.”

We counted the number of swings and counted all the way up to 101, helping each other with which number came next.

“In autumn the leaves fall off the trees.”

“ Here is some lettuce.”

” The apple is turning red and the leaves are all squishy.”

” This is coriander.”

Finding worms

“Look I have one too.”

“Follow me.”

Our new rope swing slide, you need to use your feet as brakes!

“We can use the stick to help get it out.”

” I like climbing.”

“This is my restuarant, I sell everything, I have loads to drink, it is the best restuarant ever. What would you like to order?”

Making mud chocolate cakes.

Exploring inside the tipee and working together making apple pepper spray.