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Learning together in P1a

We  are enjoying reading books!

We know lots of phonemes (ai, ee etc) which are helping us to read and we are getting better at reading tricky common words (was, you etc) that we have to learn and don’t sound out. Games and a variety of activities help us become more confident in our reading skills.










































We also love making up stories and are getting better at writing down our ideas. We have ‘writing targets’ to help us get better at writing.












We read one of our Book Bug books together and really enjoyed it. It was titled, ‘The Princess and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears.’

We thought it would be a great idea to make our own books with different characters.  We were very inventive and creative.











Special Christmas delivery to P1a!

Mrs Jamieson brought a parcel into P1a delivered from the North Pole! It had a special elf inside and a letter from Santa! We read the letter together and decided to give our elf a name. We offered ideas and voted on our favourite name! Twinkle is our class elf! We are excited to see him every day. We are going to write about his adventures.






























Every day someone opens our advent calendar and can choose a Christmas challenge.  Fynn is telling a Christmas cracker joke! Ho ho ho!

We can’t wait to perform our Christmas Nativity to our families soon too!

Well done P1a!

Number Bonds and Data Handling in P1B!

We have began learning how to make number bonds! For example, we know you can make a variety of calculations for 3 such as 2+1, 1+2.

We timed ourselves to see how fast we can sort calculations underneath the correct number bond. Each day we do it, we get faster and faster at recalling the number bonds.

We use the computer to complete calculations!

We are using our large number line to solve what is two more than or two less than a given number.

We continue to complete addition calculations in a variety of activities.

We are exploring Data Handling! We know we can organise real objects by matching and sorting information.

We were exploring seasons of the year. Using a Venn Diagram, we sorted different clothing items into the correct heading.

We had so much fun exploring all the different items of clothing which we wear in the summer and winter. We discussed how they were different from season to season. For example, in Winter we were waterproof clothing or clothes which are warm and fluffy.

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Using recycled materials we made our own Class Christmas Tree!

We arranged our Advent Calendar and decorations to display across our classroom!

We are so close to our Nativity Performance next week. We can’t wait to perform!





Literacy in P1C!

We have covered all of our single sounds and we are beginning to learn all of the Phonemes such as oa, ai, sh, th and ch. We are now using our knowledge of sounds to blend them together to make words.

We have been creating sentence chains and storyboards to help develop our reading and writing skills.

We have been working hard to create rhyming lists!

We also enjoy playing bingo to help us practice reading our words and identifying our letters.

We love using the magnetic boards to help us to spell!

We have also been working hard in our writing to sound out our words and use finger spaces.



P1D Woodland Week 2 Mud Glorious Mud!

We had an amazing afternoon down at the woodland today. There had been lots of rain since we were last there which allowed us to explore and investigate the mud!

We are going on a mud hunt……..

We can’t go through it – We can jump over it.

Muddy alliteration – “I am a messy muddy monster.”

“I am making a house out of mud.”

Mud slides.

“The rain made the mud.”

“When I put my foot in here it makes a great noise.”

Can you make it through the muddy maze without slipping?  Which path will you chose?

You can use the trees to help. Hold on tight!

We transferred the rain water from place to place.  ” We are making our own puddle.”

We also searched under the logs and collected bugs.

” Come and see how many creatures we have.”

“This worm is like a chameleon it has changed colour to be like it’s surroundings.”

We hid from giants! “There is a giant, quick.”

“We built 2 doors on our house.”

And made our own Drive Thru! “If you order something I will bring it to you.”

“Have you decided what you would like to eat?”

We also enjoyed kooking for buried treasure under the stones.

Here are some more photos of our adventures and investigations…….


Road Safety and Book Bug Week in P1B!

Within Road Safety Week, we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe!

We were spotting the dangers within different images and discussing the changes that could be made within the scenarios to make it safe.

Using collage, we created Traffic Lights!

We discussed important language and slogans surrounding Road Safety such as Be Safe, Be Seen, Stop Look and Listen and Be Bright.

We created Road Safety signs for our school bags with the important messages!

In PE, we have been exploring Gymnastics. We have learnt how to travel across different apparatus, know how to create different tucks and shapes and know how to create a sequence with different travelling skills and balances.

We have been super busy as last week it was also Book Bug Week! We had so much fun when we walked to the Library and got to read the three special books.

In January, we will be voting for our favourite book!



Beebot and programming fun!

We talked about the range of computing technology all around us and could give lots of examples.

We ‘programmed’ a friend using the commands ‘forwards, back, turn right, turn left’ to instruct them to get from one place in the classroom to another. We understood that the commands need to be accurate for our friend to end up where we want them!






We used arrow symbols for the instructions too.












We then enjoyed playing with the beebots exploring how to make them move from one place on the mat to another. Our amazing school ‘digital leaders’ were there to support and encourage us.


























We then had a go at following a program to work out where the beebot ends up!
















Writing a program instructing the robot from one place to another was more tricky! But we had a go!












We loved making our own beebot mats in groups!
















We also used the ipads using Scratch Junior to develop our programming skills.





















A great big thank you to our digital leaders for being so supportive and helpful!

Well done P1a!

P1D Woodland Week 1

We had a wonderful morning down at the woodland and enjoyed many different imaginative scenarios………

“Our car got stuck in the mud and the mud sprayed all over it. A big tanker came to help clean it up.”

“We heard a spitfire overhead and are using the teepee to shelter in.”

Collecting ingredients for our cake.

Sliding down the fireman’s pole

” Our pirate ship is on fire, so we are climbing the rigging.”

We also enjoyed climbing, running and exploring speed, position, direction and movement……..

Catch me if you can!

“I can stand on top of it.”

You have to move backwards and forwards and use your knees to make it swing.

“If you go on top, I will go underneath.”

“If we start further back it does not go as fast.”

We used our maths skills for adding and finding doubles…….

“If you get 2 and I get 2 that would be 4.  We need 4 more again that would be 8.”

Exploring nature: we looked at lots of different types of plants and discussed how some are still green and how others have lost all their leaves. We discussed different features such as smell and talked about other plants we knew of that smelled nice.

“My gran has lavender.”

“I am growing rosemary at home.”

Some more photos of our adventures……..




A little snapshot of what has been happening in P1D this week.

This week we went on a trip to Mearns Library and the librarian read us all three of the Scottish Book Trust shortlisted books. We voted for our favourite book and chose “The Station Mouse” (although in class when we voted, we liked “The Prince and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears” best and we even wrote our own ending to the story and acted it out in class. Everyone now has a copy of all three of the books to read at home.

We have been continuing to learn about data analysis in maths.


We had lots of fun creating “oo” words with Cheerios and drawing pictures of our “ng” words.

We are always being very creative in P1D, here are just a few pictures of our work over the last week or so.


Addition and Money in P1C!

We have been busy learning all about addition! We can recognise the addition sign and the equals sign. We have been having great fun learning our number stories for numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5!

We have also been working hard learning to count on from the bigger and writing our calculations different ways.

We enjoyed playing carpark addition, we had to drive the car that had the answer to calculation into the correct parking spot.

We have also bee working hard creating number lines with numicon and cubes!

We can also recognise and sort our coins into the correct category.





We are Learning Phonemes! (P1b)

We have almost covered all of our single sounds such as s,a,t,i,p,n…! We are now using our knowledge of sounds to blend them together to make words.

Miss Amin asked us if we could make rhyming words which end in -an and we did! We could blend, spell and read the words.

We love using magnetic letters to help us spell!

We are now beginning to learn all of the Phonemes such as oa, ai, ie and ee!

We are playing Roll and Read practising to read different words which contain Phonemes.

Across our classroom, we have lots of tricky words to explore within our play areas.

We are continuing to practise our letter formation to ensure we form it the correct way.

We were making a Road Safety Map and using our knowledge of sounds we were writing words we could blend such as ‘road’ and ‘cars’.