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P1D – Bee-bots, symmetry and sausage rolls!

We are still very busy making our new room our own. This week , we have changed the sand area and it is now a desert. The children sorted through a huge bag of animals and were able to identify all of the animals and sort them, finding the correct ones for their desert, and putting the others aside for later.

In PE we have been working on our gymnastics skills. This week, tuck rolls and log rolls (or sausage rolls as some of the children called them).

In maths we have continued to learn about symmetry and we made symmetry block pictures. We have made great use of the desktop PC’s and games  to reinforce our number work and we have been hopping along number lines to improve our addition skills.

I Skills Academy, Mr Rattray showed us how to code using the BeeBots

And we have been making sentences with all of the new words we are now learning to read.

I am so proud of how well the class work together and support one another. Go 1D!

Outdoor Adventures in P1C!

We had great fun exploring outdoors! We were exploring the different ways we could transport water from the tub to the tuff spot. We used great problem solving skills and worked as a team to think of different ideas and create our own river of water.

We also enjoyed using the chalk to create lots of different stories about our families, dinosaurs and rainbows! We also made a treasure map that we had to follow!

We were busy in the kitchen making yummy mud pies for everyone to eat!

We enjoyed building different ramps and testing how fast or slow each object rolled down the ramp. We made lots of steep ramps because this made things roll much faster!



P1A’s Windy Woodland Adventure.

This week we further investigated forces by looking at the force of the wind.

We used it to create a hammock, a house, a den and a parachute. We looked at how the direction, in which, the wind was blowing affected what we were trying to do and discovered it was harder to walk, run and swing against the force of the wind.


 Hold on tight!

I can use the wind to balance.

 We enjoyed listening to the wind and feeling it on our faces. We thought it sounded like a werewolf howling when blowing through the trees!

 We also used different items to help us through the mud and helped each other to climb muddy slops and hills.

 You can use a stick to help you.


You can go this way instead, it is easier.

 We enjoyed making our teepee camouflage so it was hidden and then wrote secret messages and created patterns on it.

Other photos from our visit this week……


Lots of Learning in Maths (P1B)

Welcome back to our blog! This week we are showing all of our amazing learning in Maths.

We are splatting numbers up to 20 and can solve the missing numbers!

We love making number bonds! We are beginning to become faster at recalling number bonds for any number to 10.

We were trying to solve these addition questions before the timer ended… and we did!

We were using our creativity to make Symmetrical patterns using loose parts and paint.

We have began exploring 2D and 3D shapes!



It was lovely to see everyone back to school smiling , sharing their stories of adventures in the holidays and ready to work hard!

In Numeracy and Mathematics P1a have been learning about symmetry. We looked at nature and noticed creatures which have symmetrical patterns, in particular, the butterfly.

We created symmetrical butterflies using paint.


















We also designed symmetrical butterflies using loose parts. We use our name labels and take photos of our own creations.






















We were given a symmetrical pattern to copy and colour appropriately.








We also use games on the Interactive whiteboard to practise our skills.











We have been practising our pattern making too and enjoy making the patterns more challenging.
















We are learning to read the number words to 10.  Some are quite tricky! We made a number word number line and played games covering numbers up and working out who had moved to the wrong place when some of us  closed our eyes!










We are learning the number bonds for different numbers, and can sort and count coins.























Well done P1a!

Settling in to our new space – P1D


I’m so proud of how the children have adapted to their new classroom space. They all arrived on Monday, ready to investigate their new area and keen to learn.

We have been investigating symmetry in Maths.

We even had a competition to see which team could create the best symmetrical picture.

We’ve been using the Numicon to investigate number.






We have been revising all of the new sounds that we were learning last term and using them to make words.

We’ve been writing stories about New Year promises, acting out our own Helicopter Stories

And finally, I wanted to share a few pictures from this week’s outdoor learning. I took lots of photos, and when we were talking about them in class, discovered that –

The baddies were making poisoned soup

to kill the Queen of the Castle

meanwhile, a jail was being built.

The baddies were arrested and put in the jail. And we all lived happily ever after! It might have been pouring, but we were still having fun and learning.

P1A Investgate weight, volume, forces and friction.

We noticed how much the temperature had changed since our last trip to the woodland and looked at ways of keeping warm by building shelters, rubbing our hands together, using different layers such as gloves and pockets or running around to make our blood pump faster.

We can add this to the den. It is a good shelter.

Running and moving keeps us warm.

If you rub your hands together it can keep you warm.

In class we have been exploring different materials and this helped us to look at what happens to our gloves when they get wet or muddy, some remained waterproof and others didn’t.

 We found lots of different items to make seats for the inside of our den. We compared the weight of the items and for some of the heavier items we had to work together to move them. We investigated ways to make moving the objects easier such as rolling them with our hands and feet and using different amounts of force. We discovered it was easier to move items down hills or slopes and how to manoeuvre round different obstacles.


When moving water around we looked at different containers to find out which held the most. We worked out if we filled the bigger bath we could move the water quicker as it holds more.

Here are some other photos of our session……



Making Restaurants and Hotels Outdoors! (P1B)

Welcome back to our blog! We are super excited to show you all of our learning Outdoors.

We have had such heavy rain this week which created huge puddles. We were comparing deep puddles to shallow puddles by splashing in them.

Using teamwork, we were building a hotel. We made a dance floor, chairs for having dinner and made our roof stable and secure to make sure the rain didn’t get through.

We built the Hungry Horse! Within our restaurant, we displayed chocolate cake, chips, chicken nuggets and pasta. Inside our Hungry Horse restaurant we made a hotel!

We made number lines beyond 20! This one was up to 42.

We were exploring how water can travel and flow from the water tray to the tuff spot. We created a waterfall which was flowing water in to the bucket.

We love creating stories outside. We made a story about aliens!

I made a story about myself and Miss Amin!

This week is our first week being back and being reunited with our peers in the Primary One class. We can’t wait to share our learning next week!


P1C PE and Electricity!

It was great to be back in school with all our friends, we have been enjoying sharing our stories of our adventures from our holiday.

In PE we have been continuing to work on our gymnastics shapes, we are now experts at all our shapes.   We also enjoy playing the balance game Miss Regan shouts a number and we need to balance with 1,2,3,4 or 5 body parts!

We have also been practicing all the ways we can roll and we are very good at our forward rolls. We have also started practicing handstands.

We also love practicing our partner balances.

We have also been discussing electricity and how we keep safe. We know that electricity comes from five different sources and we can identify things that have electricity and things that do not.








It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas! (P1B)

Welcome back to our last blog of 2019!

We have been learning and exploring Money! We can recognise different values of coins and were learning how to make amounts using different coins.

This week, we were exploring a Tuff Tray which was filled with bowls, soap bars, graters and whisks. We learnt how to use a grater safely and using soap bars we made soap and ‘icing’ for our imaginative cakes.

Our Christmas Party was so much fun! We got to play party games,  eat some snacks, dance with our friends and most importantly got to meet SANTA!

We have enjoyed making lots of Christmas Crafts and Cards to give to our loved ones.

In 2020, we are super excited to begin our learning in our new classroom. We have moved all of our belongings and spent some time becoming familiar with the classroom again.

I can’t wait to be reunited with everyone in January when you all return from the holidays and can’t wait to hear all your stories. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you all soon!