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P1a working hard!

P1a’s reading and writing skills are progressing very well!

We have been enjoying reading books using our knowledge of sounds and tricky words.  We also  use clues in the sentence and picture to help us with unfamiliar words.
























We can tell each other the main ideas in a text and describe what happens at the beginning, middle and end. We made storyboards drawing and writing about what happens.









































We  have been working on ordering sentences which retell a story.















We are gaining in confidence stretching out words to hear and write all the sounds.





We try to write a sentence Mrs Rattray says to us.  Then we add our own sentence to practise our writing.  We have to remember our Writing Targets to help us!


















We enjoy writing and drawing our own stories in our special jotters. We are very imaginative!











We are also practising writing our tricky words.















We also like playing games to practise reading our tricky words.

































Well done P1a!


Exploring habitats and mud with P1B

We found some holes in the ground at the woodland and talked about different animal habitats. We came up with some suggestions for what might live down them. We measured how deep each hole was and compared them, thinking about the sizes of different animals and who would be best suited to each space.

We also noticed some birds singing today and discussed how birds migrate to hotter countries in the winter.

We had fun in the mud, making a mud slide, building a home out of mud and creating our own mud monsters game.

We looked at talking turns to make things fair and decided who would be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

We had lots of fun…….


Dragons and Special Visitors to P1D

We have had some very exciting visitors this week. On Monday, a final year Pharmacy student came in to talk about safety and medicines and then on Wednesday, our new student teacher Mr McDonald came to meet the class. Mr McDonald will be with us for six weeks and is very much looking forward to working with the children.

We are really starting to make the new classroom environment our own. The walls are now covered with the children’s artwork and photographs and the children were delighted today when we managed to make space to incorporate a construction area into our classroom. Watch out for all the pictures of amazing structures to come!

We continue to learn about 2D and 3D Shape with Miss Adair, with lots of practical activities manipulating shapes to learn about their properties.

In Skills Academy, we have been working with Mrs Rattray and the Digital Leaders

In literacy, we continue to use our sounds to create and recognise words. We have been writing stories based on our class reading books. At the moment we are reading the picture books of David Walliams and are particularly enjoying the rich vocabulary, so if any of the children have been suddenly using words like “atrocious” or “ginormous” this is where it’s coming from.

Catch up on our Learning in P1B!

We are developing our skills in Gymnastics! We were making a sequence using a travelling skill, shape, balance and a roll!

We have been learning about Sustainability. We were using recycled materials to make numbers for our Outdoor Learning Area.

In our Topic, we have been learning the importance of how to keep ourselves healthy.

We made a healthy lunch box with a variety of healthy food!

We are continuing to celebrate Chinese New Year as we made a Chinese Dragon!


P1C Hard at Work!

We have been working hard on our reading skills. We can tell each other the main ideas from the text and describe what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

We have been working hard learning our tricky words. We practice them by making them in playdough, painting them and searching for them around our room.

We also like playing games to practise reading our tricky words.

In Gymnastics we have been working hard on our partner balances and using our equipment to balance, jump and roll.






P1a’s Big Bug Hunt

This week the damp moist coniditions made it perfect weather for bug spotting. We searched under logs and stones and dug around in the mud. We discussed the different types of bugs, looked at their body parts and how they move and built a bridge and a dam for them.

I am going to draw pictures and write about the minibeasts I see.

Bugs live here. Under the logs.

I found a worm. Look at it wriggling.

I can see more when I look through it.

What is hiding in the mud, keep digging and we will see.

We saw two worms and are trying to push the log down to find some more.

We found a woodlouse and a spider.

A home for a bug with a bridge for crossing.

Some other things we engoyed doing and making this session………

This is our den, you can sit here, what can we use for a seat?

I enjoy the swing.

I enjoyed finding bugs, worms are my favourite.

I will help you with your boot.

I want to study bugs when I grow up.

I want to be a bug explorer.

I am looking at all the different types of stones.

This is the easiest way up, it is faster when you go back down.





Outdoors, Indoors and Chinese New Year

In P1D we love to get outdoors and learn. This week, we were using chalk and wicker to make a snow storm. 

We were exploring 3D shapes outdoors, making patterns using bricks and seeing if we could make a log roll around the guttering.

In literacy, we continue to learn our sounds and use them to create words and sentences in lots of different and fun ways.

In maths, we are investigaing shape with Miss Adair and learning about number and time with Mrs Dougall.

We also remember to take time to chill out with our friends.






Finally, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.

P.1a Designing and Creating!

P.1a have been designing and constructing models using different resources.

First we used cocktail sticks and dried beans to build a house for the Three Little Pigs. We  had to think about how to make the house stable so that it didn’t collapse!











We then created a vehicle which can move using modelling materials and investigating the forces of push and pull to make it travel. We worked as a team to solve problems and come up with ideas.


































































We could describe our models to each other.

We also had a parent visitor who told us about a competition to design an app called ‘Make it Happen.’ We were so excited to come up with ideas!















We decided if we wanted to work in a group or individually and made a draft of our design ideas.

Here are some of our ideas!





















Well done P.1a!

P1C- Symmetry, Shape and Number Bonds!

In Maths, we have been exploring symmetry and we created symmetrical pictures using different loose parts.

We also created symmetrical butterflies!

We have also been exploring 2D and 3D shapes! Here we are using our data handling skills to sort out the different shapes.

We are continuing to build our knowledge of our number bonds to 10 and have been enjoying creating number bond caterpillars for lots of different numbers.

In our playdough area, we have been applying our measuring skills to make playdough for everyone to explore.



Look at our Literacy Activities in P1B!

We have been reading the Hairy Maclary books! We are great at spotting alliteration in the story. We painted the story of Hairy Maclary.

We read stories which have tricky words in them! We use our blending skills and stretch the words out.

We love writing and drawing a recall of a story which we have read or enjoy creating our own stories.

We are using our Story World Words to make sentences.

This week we also had a special visitor! We got to meet a Turtle!

This weekend it is Chinese New Year and we completing art activities throughout the week to learn and celebrate it!