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Outdoor Learning in P1b!

In our Outdoor Learning Area, we were making potions using pasta and were measuring how much we needed.

We love being creative in our imaginative stories. We were building a Den for our monsters which required team work and great problem solving skills.

Our monsters really wanted a dance floor with spot lights so we used markers and planks of wood.

We wanted our Den to look nice and new so we began to paint it!

We love exploring numbers outdoors and making number lines using chalk!

See you soon with our next blog!

Welcome to P1C’s First Class Blog

Welcome to our first class blog!

We have all settled in so well to Primary 1 and we can’t wait to share our learning journey with you!

In Literacy we have been working hard learning about rhyme, alliteration and all our new sounds.

We have been using all our areas to explore writing our new sounds and we have learned rhymes to help us with this. We practice this in lots of different ways.

Every day we are spending time to reinforce all of our sounds through different activities. We have been enjoying finding objects and pictures that start with a certain sound around our classroom and outdoor environment. We have been drawing pictures and discussing the sounds that they begin with, along with sorting items by their initial sound.

We look forward to sharing more of our learning experiences with all of you!  Watch this space…





Welcome to Primary 1D


What a busy start to Primary 1! Everyone has settled in so well and we are now well on our way with our learning journey.

In Numeracy & Mathematics we have been working on developing our number knowledge, focusing on numbers up to 20, by creating a human number line, drawing our own number lines in chalk in the playground and by making the most of the lovely new maths resources in the classroom especially the numicon.

We have investigated fractions and now all know that a whole can be split into two equal halves and we have been finding out lots of different ways of measuring, placing items in order of length and weight.

In Literacy and English we have started looking at our Mr Big reading books and finding lots of words starting with our new sounds P, N to add to last week’s sounds S, A, T and I.

In Art we have been learning about Autumn colours by looking at the trees in the playground. We have painted trees in Autumn colours and have had lots of fun opening horse chestnut seeds and finding the conkers inside. We have created patterns with the conkers and leaves and pine cones.

Our conker patterns


Finger painting autumn leaves onto our handprint trees



We have taken advantage of the recent nice weather and have spent lots of time investigating our outdoor spaces. We went on a Nature Scavenger Hunt to see what we could find, working in pairs, we discovered  flowers, leaves, clover, clouds, birds and lots of insects. We’ve been building castles in the playground, working together to make sure our friends could all reach the top, stacking tyres to make a den and investigating volume using the rain water in the tuff trays and the mud kitchen.

Off on our adventures










Creating number lines



And the winner is…Building dens and castles


Can you find us hiding in the woodland area?

What a busy time we have had! I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday weekend and can’t wait to see what adventures next week will bring.


P1a’s first class blog!

Welcome to our first class blog!

We have all settled in so well to Primary 1 and are so excited to share our learning with you!


In Mathematics and Numeracy  we have been working really hard and learning through play.

We practise counting to 20, and can count forwards from different numbers and backwards from different numbers.

We do lots of different activities matching numbers to quantities.












We are learning to identify missing numbers from a number line and have been learning about numbers before and after. We play games together and learn from each other.








We are also working hard to learn how to write our numbers correctly. We have learned rhymes to help us with this. We practise in lots of different ways.
















We have also been creating and finishing patterns!













P1a are proud of their learning and achievements. Well done!


Our First Blog by P1b!

Welcome to our very first Blog in Primary One! We are so excited to show you some of our learning!

We have been learning about Pointillism! We went on a listening walk outdoors to explore different birds. We then re-created a bird using the technique of Pointillism.

Within our Topic, we chose to learn about People Who Help Us. We were sorting the correct jobs which people do for us in the community.

Using our knowledge of shapes, we created Police Cars. We cut out circles for our wheels, squares for the windows and rectangles for the sirens.

One question we wanted to explore was, ‘How can we keep our teeth healthy?’. We learnt about having healthy gums and how to brush our teeth properly to prevent getting plaque.

Here we are searching for ‘teeth’ and scrubbing them properly to ensure they don’t have any plaque!

We were using pincers to place teeth into the empty holes!

We also recognised some sounds we have been learning this week within the word Dentist!

In Drama, we had so much fun re-enacting different characters from the Jungle! We love using our voice, actions and movements to create imaginative stories.