Problem Solving in P1C!

This week we worked together to solve different problems. We were set a challenge to move the water from one bucket to another bucket.  We weren’t allowed to lift the bucket or use spoons to transport the water. We had to work with each other to come up with a solution. We had so much fun and we completed the challenge!

We have also been learning to log on to the computers, find the drawing app and draw a picture. We really enjoy using the laptops!

We have also been learning about keeping healthy and we know one way to keep healthy is by eating healthy food.  We sorted through all the different food items and selected healthy options for our lunch boxes. 



Outdoor Learning in P1B!

We have been working together as a team to overcome problems outdoors!

We were trying to make the water travel into the bucket without leaking.

We put some bricks higher to let the water flow properly.

Our water was eventually flowing down the ramp without any leakage!

Also, we were trying to get the water to flow down in to the tuff tray to get it full.

We were being super careful when we were hammering nails in to the wood! It took us a little bit of time to get the nail completely hammered through the wood. However, we didn’t give up and we managed to do it!

Here we are making an obstacle course and had to walk over the stones without falling in to the lava!

We love making Dens when we are outdoors and we barricaded ourselves in to tell each other stories.

I was joining all the different parts of wood to make a floor for my restaurant!


P1a working hard!

P1a’s reading and writing skills are progressing very well!

We have been enjoying reading books using our knowledge of sounds and tricky words.  We also  use clues in the sentence and picture to help us with unfamiliar words.
























We can tell each other the main ideas in a text and describe what happens at the beginning, middle and end. We made storyboards drawing and writing about what happens.









































We  have been working on ordering sentences which retell a story.















We are gaining in confidence stretching out words to hear and write all the sounds.





We try to write a sentence Mrs Rattray says to us.  Then we add our own sentence to practise our writing.  We have to remember our Writing Targets to help us!


















We enjoy writing and drawing our own stories in our special jotters. We are very imaginative!











We are also practising writing our tricky words.















We also like playing games to practise reading our tricky words.

































Well done P1a!