We are Reading Tricky Words in P1B!

We have been working so hard to recognise, read and write common word such as the, with and be. We know words such as me, be, he and she only have one ‘e’ even though it makes the ‘ee’ sound.

We are beginning to fix the punctuation in sentences as we know every sentence has capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

As we can identify different phonemes such as ‘th’, ‘sh’ and ‘ai’, we are becoming more confident to read tricky words in unseen texts, books and games.

We have been exploring non-fiction books and we have been introduced to the contents page. We are learning  how to use the contents page to find information.

We are sequencing stories to ensure it has a beginning, middle and end.

We are great at identifying what is true and false within a story and we are beginning to answer tricky comprehension questions by answering in full sentences.

Yesterday, we had such a special visitor! We got to meet the amazing author Chris Duke and he read to us his brilliant story called Lucy’s Blue Day.  He taught us that it is okay to be happy, sad, jealous, upset, angry and excited and to make sure we share our feelings with our families at all times.

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