P4a’s cracking onomatopoeia

This week, one of our focuses in literacy has been onomatopoeia. We had fun looking through some beano magazines to find as many examples of this as we could, before making our own examples of onomatopoeia pop art, like we saw in the magazines. Here’s a picture showing you how great they look!

We also had a go of using onomatopoeia in an acrostic poem about bonfire night. Here are two of them that I really liked!

We’ve been learning about inheritance in science. Eleanor says that “inheritance is something you are born with, like hair colour or eye colour, and learned is things you can practice like the alphabet or playing the piano.

The class had the opportunity to enter a Road Safety Competition this week to design a poster to encourage people to act safely when out on the road. Their designs were great, and some of the slogans that they came up with were brilliant! Here are some of the girls designing their posters.

We’ve all been practicing our mental maths skills this week, using some games and strategies to help us with our number bonds and knowledge. We’re going to keep practicing these throughout the whole year!

Our skills academy classes carried on this week, with each group doing something exciting which they were all excited to tell me about when they came back to class.

The Learning for Sustainability group were making planters out of recycled materials. We have planted Thyme and Basil seeds in recycled plastic bottles and punched holes out of the sides, so that they could be hung up somewhere sunny. It’s important to make sure these are covered with cling film and get enough water and hopefully we’ll see something growing in a week or two.

The Digital Technologies group were practicing their coding skills with the Spheros, which they discovered could be coded to light up different colours and to move directions using the Chromebooks. Ayyan preferred to use the WASD keys to tell the Sphero where to go.

The Life Skills group were learning more about healthy eating and made up a pita pocket using fresh vegetables like peppers, carrots, tomatoes and cucumber. They looked lovely!

The last group, Design and Manufacturing, had to test their design skills by building a house out of match sticks that had to be no bigger than 20 cm. It sounds like they all did really well!

Enjoy the weekend!

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