P4a catch up

Last week was Maths Week Scotland and we were lucky enough to get a brand new trolley of maths equipment to help us in our learning! We’ve had some time to explore what’s in it and it’s been a great resource so far!

The Rectangles have been using the Numicon in our short division practice, which is also called the Bus Stop method. Here is a picture of Molly showing us how it’s done!

The Triangles have also been using some of the new materials when they have been learning about fractions. Here is a picture of Nathan showing us the difference between a half and a quarter this week.

Over the last few weeks in our writing lessons, we have been writing settings for a scene, using our five senses to help us build a picture, as well as some great adjectives, connectives and even some similes to help us up-level our writing. Check out these great examples from Emilia and Ayyan!

In Science we have been investigating the best conditions that plants grow in across the world, by planting some beans in soil and sand and by keeping some in the light and others in the dark. Here is a picture of one of the plants just starting to grow.

And some more once they have had some time to take root!

For some of our other science work, we have been looking at different climate zones across the world and have begun some work on some shoebox dioramas to show the differences in these zones and the changes we might expect due to climate change. I’m looking forward to sharing some photos of these with you when they are all finished as they are looking great already!

In French, we have been learning about the days of the week and months of the year; we played a matching game to link the English words with the French. Here are some photos of Molly, Luca Franchi, Nathan and Beth showing us how it’s done!


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