Looking after P4a’s Elf and Wellbeing

In our second last week of the year the rectangles have been finishing up with our division topic that we’ve been working on for some time now. I think they’re looking forward to working on something different for a while.

The circles, however, have just started learning about the same bus stop method that the rectangles are just finishing with. They’ve done really well so far and I’m sure they’ll enjoy working with more complex numbers next week and after the Christmas holidays.

With our writing this week, with Mrs Abercrombie, was continuing with the Incredible Snowman story that we were planning last week. We will be redrafting these next week, so that they can be displayed around the school to let other classes see our wonderful work.

We have all been working on our Christmas crafts for the Christmas Fayre on Monday. Using acrylic paints and Sharpie pens, we have been painting some lovely snowflake and star-shaped tealight holders. The whole class has put a lot of effort into their designs and they look absolutely fantastic! They’re looking forward to showing them off at the fayre next week.

Just like last week, we had our PE slot inside the classroom. We had good fun keeping active with some Go Noodle videos, as well as some yoga and Just Dance videos. This afternoon, we also ran a mile and timed ourselves doing it. The aim is that we will repeat this next week and see if we can improve on our times by increasing our fitness levels and stamina.

Mrs Melville has been teaching us about the names of colours and numbers as a bit of revision in French. We have covered this before, but it was useful to go back over things again.

One of the more exciting things to happen this week was the delivery of two 3D printers, which have been paid for by the fundraising committee. We talked about the different things that can be printed using the printers and watched some videos to see how long it can take them to be printed. Hopefully next week, we will get the opportunity to see them in action!

Enjoy the weekend!

Christmas Fayre Crafts

In Art, we were working on our crafts for the Christmas Fayre which are tea light holders. Some people have stars and some people have snowflake designs on theirs. We used glitter paint, sharpie pens and regular paint for our designs, however, some people wanted theirs to be plain. Groups were mixed to use different resources so that we had a range of designs. We are keeping them safe in the classroom just now but can’t wait to sell them at the Christmas fayre on Monday. We hope to see you there!

P4a Toe the fine liner

In our art this week we have been continuing to practice adding tone to our drawings and we have also been learning about adding in detail. Today we were using the fine liners to draw pictures of the school, really focusing on the detail that we could see, such as bricks, stones and the windows. It was lovely seeing their concentration on their work and they all did a wonderful job of their artwork. Have a look at some of their results!

For our Wednesday PE session this week, we weren’t able to use the hall, so we did something a bit different in our class instead; some dancing and then some pokemon yoga, which was great fun. We also tried to run our daily mile again for the first time, though had to cut it short because of the rain. We will try this again next week if it stays dry enough.

Thankfully, we were still able to get outside with Miss McNair on Thursday. We played cops and robbers with her and we all really enjoyed it.

Today we were learning some of the different names for animals in French. We learned that a cat is “un chat,” a dog is “un chien,” snake is “un serpent” and hamster is “un hamster” but in French you don’t say the “h.”

In maths, two of our groups have taken a break from our focus of multiplication and division to learn about something different. The rectangles have been learning about directions, using right angled or quarter turns and creating routes to follow. On Wednesday they were playing a game on the laptops which used computer coding to direct one of the Angry Birds around the screen to squash a pig.

The circles have been learning about grid references and have been enjoying playing battleships to practice their skills when they have finished their work. They have learned a phrase to remind them of the order that they have to read grid references: “along the corridor, then up the stairs.” This reminds them that they have to read the numbers or letters along the horizontal axis first, before reading the vertical axis.

The triangles have been continuing with the work that they have been doing for the last few weeks, looking at addition and place value of Hundreds, Tens and Units.

We also had an opportunity on Thursday afternoon to watch the dress rehearsal of the P5 show school, which we thought was great and wish them luck in all their performances!

Enjoy the weekend!

Art with RME

We were linking Art with RME and drawing mosques.  We focused on the visual elements of line, tone and pattern.  First we drew the outline of the mosque and we focused on the tower and dome (Onion dome).  We used Wolff’s Carbon Pencils to shade it in going from light to dark.  Some of us used a brick pattern, stone or tile pattern using squares, triangles, rectangles and semi-circles.  Some people also included the Islamic symbol on their mosque.

Reebops Strike Again with a Family of Their Own!

Today in Science we were making our baby Reebop.   A Reebop is an alien which we were making during our Inheritance topic.  Before we made our baby Reebops, we had a planning sheet to plan out what our baby Reebops will look like.  We did this by crossing the genes from the mum and dad Reebops and coloured in which genotype we wanted from one of the possible baby Reebop outcomes.  We used clay, pipe cleaners, lollipop sticks, rubber bands, wooden sticks and straws to make them.  We have learned what happens when you cross the genes of the mum and dad and what the baby could look like.  Most of us managed to successfully cross the genes and make the baby Reebops look a bit like one or both of the parents.


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