Science week and P7 Story telling w.b. 14.03.22 /21.03.22

We had great fun during last weeks Science week. First of all we watched a live lesson all about the life cycle of chickens. We put the pictures in order with a partner and learned that when a chick hatches from its egg it’s called a hatchling.

We designed incubators for our chicks and made them using our play materials.

“they need heat and need to turn so that they can come out of their egg”. – Christian







We have been busy practising our passing in P.E. Our challenge was to throw or kick a ball to our partner at the same time without them bumping each other.

Working on our balance and coordination in P.E.


P7 invited us to their class for a fabulous story telling afternoon. They created their own picture books to share, which were fantastic!