W.b. 6.09.21 – Shape Monsters and Friendship webs

We have had another busy week in P2A! The boys and girls have all been trying their very best with learning their sounds in Literacy. This week we have been focusing on ‘oa’ and ‘ee’.

“I was writing the words”. -Alina

We went on an ‘ee’ word hunt around our class.


“I was doing the scavenger hunt to find the numbers with the ee words on the back”. – Christian

“You have to find the same word for the picture” – Theo

“I was matching the words with Ewan”. -Ruaridh

In health and well-being this week we have been talking about our similarities and differences. We made a friendship web to find out what we had in common with one another.







” We made a friendship web, everyone in the class said what they like”. – Muriam

For art we had a go at drawing our own self portraits. We used mirrors to think carefully about our features.

This week we have been tidying up our lovely P2 garden and planning some new exciting things to put in it.

“We were making a fairy garden”. – Connie

” I was helping Miss Muir to get the weeds out”. – Menaal




“I was digging mud out of the tire”. -Gregor




With our human body topic underway, it has been very exciting planning new things to put in our play areas. We decided to make the role play into a hospital.

“I was being a doctor”. – Robbie

“Robbie was the doctor and he was fixing the wee body with me”. – Ewan




In P.E. this week we have been learning to make more shapes and hold different balances for gymnastics.

“We were doing shapes. You need to be a mirror and copy your partner”. – Cayla M

In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and went on a shape hunt outside. We even made our own 2D shape monsters using the chalk!

” Me and Connie ticked the shapes off the list and then made our monster”. -Grace C

“We were making monsters out of chalk. We used a circle for the head and a rectangle for the body”. – Anna & Erin

“We made a spider monster”. – Alexander