Dancing, symmetry, construction and more

The children have been showing off their creative dance styles this week after being inspired by the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. Some further research was done into the different ways you could move your body through the form of videos and the children were all eager to have a go in front of an audience.

The children found a caterpillar outdoors which sparked discussion on how it becomes a butterfly. We looked at pictures of butterflies in a non fiction text and noticed that butterflies wings are the same on both sides. This led to an exploration of symmetrical patterns. The children painted one half of a sheet of paper which they folded over in half to press down on. When the sheet was opened the children had their own design for wings, which looked the same on both sides.

“both sides look the same” MM

“It looks like a butterfly” EK

We worked with the cubes this week to develop touch counting accurately. It also naturally led into using comparative language to talk about who had made the tallest tower, creating repeated patterns with the colours and some fantastic superhero creations.

The children have been building on their technology  skills using the robots to explore direction and movement. We have been programming the robots to follow simple instructions and have been using lots of directional  language to describe where we want the Robot to go. 

This week within the construction area the children have been exploring buildings that have reflective surfaces. The children then utilised resources found within the playroom to make their own “shiny” constructions and exercised their fine motor skills as they wrapped their blocks.

LH “I’ve made a mirror”

NG “diamonds and marble are shiny”

EK “keys and treasure shine”

M “ a championship cup is shiny”

As always, have a lovely weekend. We look forward to lots more fun with the children next week!