Colour Mixing, Transient Art & Shows!

In the art area we have been busy exploring colour mixing, creating secondary and tertiary colours. We’ve been extending this by having a go at recording our results, working on our recall skills and exploring cause and effect. Additionally we’ve been busy using the mirrors to create self-portraits, using our observation skills to explore and represent our different features. 

In the malleable area this week the children have been busy making their own nests. Finlay’s mum kindly brought in a real nest from their home and the children were so interested in what it was and whether or not the egg would hatch. This sparked lots of questions and interesting discussions. The children then used the clay to mold their own nests using different tools. We added lots of things to them, including feathers, hay, pom poms, sticks and string. They were so cosy looking!

We have also been creating some transient art using a variety of resources. The children were set the challenge of rolling the dice and then trying to create their picture using only that number of objects. Some children wanted to roll twice and so we have been working on our early addition skills also! They made some lovely pictures.

This week within the construction area the children have continued to explore cinemas. The children extended their experience by drawing out their films on the screen and then building a structure to house their creations.The children gave out tickets,assumed different roles,and invited others to come watch their film.

IM “Mine is about dancing aliens and an elephant, he’s going to see if he can find other elephants”


“I tell everyone to sit down, turn off their phones and stop talking”


OB “My film is called thunder”

           “Here’s a blue ticket for an aisle seat”


JB “the squasherman movie, it’s like the gingerbread man”


OD “here is you ticket, you can stay for two hours”

LM “It’s called three kittens, it’s a cartoon”



The children’s creations also moved into a stage show, where the children built their own stage and utilised props and costumes to tell their story. The children explored set design and even painted their own backdrop. In addition to this the children were interested to look at programmes from a show and even made their own.


MM “I’m going to be princess Fiona”

        “Im putting different people in because the show has different people”


        Ross “im going to be the pipe cleaner (pied piper)”


     Maria “we need the thing that claps to start the show”


In the small world area, there was a bit of a problem at the beach, it was covered in litter! We had to work together to clean up and put the rubbish in the correct bins to make it safe for the animals to swim in the sea again. 

“I’m going to give that shark a row and tell him to stop biting” – TR


“The animals are going to get so sick if they eat the plastic” –  MM


“What bin should this go in” ? – LM