Key Worker Provision Information

Learning provision can be offered to children where both parents/carers are key workers and where neither parent is able to work from home. If you meet this criteria, please e-mail to apply for key worker provision.

The Scottish Government has identified Key Worker categories as follows:

Category 1 –  Health and Care workers directly supporting COVID response and associated staff; Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work as well as critical primary and community care provision; Energy suppliers (small numbers identified as top priority already); staff providing childcare / learning for other category 1 staff.

Category 2 –  All other Health and Care workers and wider public sector workers providing emergency / critical welfare services (e.g. Fire, Police, Prisons, Social Workers, etc), as well as those supporting our Critical National Infrastructure, without whom serious damage to the welfare of the people of Scotland would be caused.

Category 3 – All workers without whom there could be a significant impact on Scotland (but where the response to Covid-19, or the ability to perform essential tasks to keep the country running, would be severely compromised).

For more information about accessing key worker learning provision please contact the family centre on 0141-570-7700