Easter bonnets, problem solving, den building and more…

This week in the discovery area the children have been exploring direction and movement through natural forces. Firstly, the children applied force through blowing through blowing into straws to direct their pom poms along the marked path. The children observed that changing the position of their bodies altered the trajectory of their pom pom. The children also explored cause and effect, noting that small amounts of air moved their object a little way whereas bigger puffs correlated with movement across a larger distance.

MK “I need a big puff for it to go really far”

James “I blew it off the table”

RT “I need to turn so it goes around the corner”

In addition to this, the children have also been exploring magnetic forces and experimented moving metal objects along plotted lines using a magnet. The children explored the properties of materials and through trial and error determined what  objects would be  attracted to the magnet.

AS “It picks up silver things”

MS “It’s a magnet things stick to it”

RB “it likes metal”

In the art area we have been busy making our Easter bonnets. The children have been so creative and there has been lots of chat about Easter and our experiences of it. The children have been so keen to take these home to show them off! We have been developing our scissor control when cutting out some shapes and used lots of different resources to make our lovely creations. 

“I’m going to hide Easter eggs from my sister” – QF

“I’ve drew the Easter bunny” – MM

“I want to draw a rainbow to stick on” – IM

“It’s a bunny rabbit’ – SH

The children have been busy den building today developing their problem solving skills and communication skills. We were most impressed with their designs.

The sewing table has been busy this week preparing our bunting to celebrate Easter. The children worked on their own designs, threading and cutting the materials selected.

We have had lots of creative Easter bonnets on display from home and being made within the nursery. The children had full autonomy over the materials selected and tried to cut and stick independently.



We hope you all have a lovely Easter break and look forward to welcoming all of our non termtime children back on Tuesday.


Love Mrs Denholm x