programming robots, superheroes, ladybirds and more…

This week, within the discovery area, the children have been exploring mazes using the coding robot. They have plotted their points throughout the maze and have used problem solving skills and knowledge of number to programme the robot to direct it out of the maze. The children were keen to create their own maze and achieved this through mark making and loose parts.

RA: “sometimes there are dead ends. I accidentally took a wrong turn”.

NM “You follow a maze and it takes you to different places”.

EG: “There is a statue to get to in the middle”.

MM: “That’s all the different paths leading to the house”.

We have been looking at creating stories in different ways. The children have been using story cards to select the character, setting and objects of the story then producing a story line to create their own story book. Some children were able to scribe some of the writing including the title and author. All children were the illustrators of their own book. Some children chose to select their favourite story from the library to copy parts onto their own books.

The children have been using the different blocks in an imaginative and creative way to make environments for their superheroes. They have been encouraged to work collaboratively and take turns with the figures in their play.


NT: “I’m putting Thanos in jail, he’s a bad guy”.

JB: “Spiderman’s in his base”.

SC: “This is a batcave, Batman stays here”.

We have been building with 3D blocks learning the names for a cube, cuboid, sphere, pyramid, cone and triangular prism, to help us sort and match.

The art area has had a focus on ladybirds with the children expressing an interest in creating their own as we learn more about the season of Spring. Using photographs as inspiration, the children selected the materials they wanted to use in their designs. Whilst making them Miss Shannon discussed the symmetry in their designs when adding their spots and they children were encouraged to count how many spots in total they had used. Lots of colourful designs are on display to brighten up our nursery. Have a look for them next time you pop in!

The sewing area has been busy with little hands creating characters from stories and designs to celebrate Ramadan. Mrs McIlwham was most impressed with the concentration and creativity of the children as they worked on their designs.


Our garden was home to another show this week where the children took the opportunity to add costumes into their shows. Lots of drama, singing and acting were on display and filling the air with fun and laughter.

The children took to the fields to demonstrate some of the football skills they have been learning. Miss Carroll and Miss Goldie were delighted to see everyone having a go and showing how well they could move with the ball and communicate with their team mates.

I think it’s safe to say the learning opportunities have been plentiful this week and full of adventure, creativity and fun! We look forward to seeing everyone next week. I wonder what the children will want to learn about…