Working from Home

Hello P3B! I am sorry I was not there in your last week but unfortunately my old dad was very unwell and in hospital. Anyway we now all have to work from home! How exciting! I will put all of your work on Microsoft Teams- you should be able to access this already as you have been working on this with Mr Gordon. Please always check this GLOW blog for any information and then go on to the Microsoft Teams.

Look for your group name ( Nonagons/ Hexagons. Otagons or Picasso/ Monet and Banksy) If you normally work with MRS BROWN for maths  in the Mathemagicians group, please access the work for the OCTAGONS  whilst we are working from home- you will find 2 tasks for literacy and 2 tasks for numeracy on the Teams site per day ( most days). You may also find other tasks there from other teachers ( like Mr Gordon, Mrs Brown or Mrs Mcluckie) . You may also find some information from Mrs Carroll, Miss Taylor or Miss Mc Caskie – they will all be checking in on your work.

Please take this unusual opportunity to continue with the level of work we have been doing in class. You know to always do your best writing/ underline work/ date your work and lay it out carefully as you will need these skills when you go to p4 next year. Remember we always say you have ‘responsibility for your own learning.’ I will be checking in with you on teams so keep in touch.

Mrs Phee