Today’s work 25th March

Thank you for your patience. All work seems to be back on Teams- I think the system is simply overloaded with everyone working from home. I intend to work between this page and Teams- depending on which one will let me post that day! Please check both pages daily as there is a chance that some of the work will appear on both pages on the same day!

Hope you are all enjoying the challenge of home schooling. Keep well everyone!

Mrs Phee

Banksy LIteracy Work 24th March 2020

banksy 24th march p18 and 19 comp

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  1. Complete the comprehension task in your jotter.
  2. Read over the p point slides. These are for you to read and to begin thinking of your storywriting for Thursday of this week. You will complete a practical task of your choice at home- make a cup of tea/ bake some cakes/ make the bed etc – whilst you are doing the task, jot down how you did it- What did you do first? Next? After that?  On Thursday we will have as one of our tasks a set of instructions to write from the task that you did at home.


Monet Literacy Work 24th March 2020

monet 24th March comp

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  1. Complete the comprehension in your jotter. Find your evidence in the text and read the questions carefully to make sure you are answering them as asked.
  2. Read over the p point slides. These are for you to read and to begin thinking of your storywriting for Thursday of this week. You will complete a practical task of your choice at home- make a cup of tea/ bake some cakes/ make the bed etc – whilst you are doing the task, jot down how you did it- What did you do first? Next? After that?  On Thursday we will have as one of our tasks a set of instructions to write from the task that you did at home.

Picasso literacy work 24th March

picasso comp 24th March

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  1. Please complete the comprehension in the jotter.Read it carefully as we do in class and answer the questions as asked- if it asks for answers in sentences, please do what is asked.

2. The powerpoint is to begin thinking of story writing for this week- today just look over the writing instructions p point and decide what task you can do for this at home. It could be making a cup of tea or making your bed; it doesn’t matter really. You will be writing instructions about how to do this task on Thursday of this week so you might want to jot down what you did first as you are doing it.