Tag Archives: Gymnastics


Welcome to our blog, we are now in term 3!

This week in PE we started learning gymnastics. We were learning to balance and do inversions.

Firstly, we had to stretch to make sure that we didn’t injure ourselves or pull a muscle.

Then, we took out floor mats and got ourselves into pairs. Some of us demonstrated some balances that we could work on or improve on. Some examples of balances were: V sit, shoulder stand, Y stand, arabesque and one leg stand.

After, we worked on inversions. Again some of us demonstrated our inversion skills. We worked on techniques such as cartwheels, round-offs, handstands, crabs/bridges and head stands.

Below you can see someĀ  pictures of what some of us were able to do:


verall, we really feel as though we have already improved our skills and we are looking forward to learning more skills and techniques this term.