Category Archives: Technologies

Safer Internet Day

The theme for Safer Internet Day was consent and we looked at lots of different scenarios involving consent on the internet.

We looked at different scripts for making a drama scene about having or giving consent to do things online.

The first scenario looked at two friends  who were taking selfies. One friend liked the selfie and wanted to post it in a group chat. The other did not want it posted however the friend posted it anyway. This resulted in a fall out and feelings being hurt. We felt that if the friend had asked the other friend for consent to post it then they would still be friends.

The next scenario looked at a group of four friends playing a zombie game online in a private group. One of the friends started to play a new game and met another player online. The friend invited the new player into the private group game without asking the other friends’ permission.  The group of friends wee angry that the friend had invited a stranger into the group without asking. They should have asked the group’s permission before inviting the player.

The third scenario looked at a child and the child’s mum. The child wanted a new version of his game and his mum was on the phone so the child decided not to ask for the game. The child bought the game anyway and cost the mum extra money. We felt the child should have waited until the mum was no longer on the phone to ask permission to buy the game.

Outdoor Classroom Day

On Thursday 1st of November we took part in Outdoor Classroom Day.

First we went on a nature walk to take pictures for our Digital Photography Competition. We took pictures of things like flowers, leaves, trees, clouds and rainbows. We then entered our photographs into the competition. You can see some of our entries below.

Next we collected materials from the school grounds that were natural. We then went into the outdoor classroom and created our own pieces of natural art. You can see some examples of our art below.

Science Centre 7th June

Our class trip was to the Science Centre this year. We went with P5a , Miss Macdonald, Miss Watt, Mrs Muir and our parent helper – Mrs Korabinska. A huge thanks to Mrs Korabinska for coming with us to help out.

We visited each of the three floors in the science centre. We had our lunch outside as it was a beautiful day. We also visited the shop.

We also took part in a Crazy Construction lab where we made cars from junk materials. We used a battery powered propeller and then raced our cars. We had a super day!

Grace – My favourite thing was the hurricane. It was lot’s of fun.

Darryl  – I liked the lab best because we got to make the cars and I liked using the hot glue gun.

Connor – I liked the pull up bars on the second floor .