Category Archives: English & Literacy

Fact or Opinion? That is the question!

This week during Literacy we were learning to identify a fact and an opinion.

We now know that a fact is something that can be proven to be true and is backed up by evidence.

We now know that an opinion is something that can’t be proven to be true and some people can agree or disagree with it. This means it is subjective!

We took part in carousel activities to learn and practise how to identify a fact and opinion and justified our answers to our partners.

After that, we made our own Google Form Quizzes with several statements which were either fact or opinion. We shared our quizzes on our Google Classroom and our classmates were able to complete them .

The Victorians

Last week we started learning about the Victorians. We began learning about Queen Victoria and went on to learn about the life of the Victorian people.

We did a Big Talk about the workhouse and spoke about the jobs, the conditions, the food and how we would feel if we had to live there. Then, we wrote a diary entry about a day in the life of a Victorian child in the workhouse.

This week, we started doing some art work related to the Victorians. We have painted some cityscapes which are the outlines of Victorian rooftops with chimneys and a chimney sweep. We looked at different shades of blues and oranges and mixed the paints to create different shades for each layer of rooftops.

Beth S brought in some Victorian artifacts for us to look at and discuss. Some of the items were:

  • Wash board
  • Iron
  • Tea pot
  • Money
  • Fountain pens
  • Jelly pan
  • Hot water bottle

It was fascinating to see that these were real Victorian objects and how different the same objects are today.

Big Talk, Big Writing

This term we have introduced Big Talk as a focus within Literacy. This is linked to Big Writing and Questioning. We were given a homework task to discuss within someone at home that related to what we were going to write about in big Writing. For example we talked about our school show and the time we spent with Ellen from Pop Uk.

Talking about our writing at home helped us to come up with good idea, WOW words and really improved our writing.

Elise  – I think big Talk helped improve my writing because I already had an idea in my head of what I was going to write.

Abbie – Big Talked helped me because talking about it at home made it easier for me to come up with ideas.

Literacy – Newspaper reports

In writing we focussed on learning about the features of a Newspaper report. These  are :-    writing in columns,  catchy headline,  a picture with a caption  and  a quotation.

We linked our writing to Social studies and wrote reports on aspects of the Scottish Wars of Independence e.g.  the battle of Stirling Bridge,  the battle of Bannockburn , the death of William Wallace.

Taylor  – I enjoyed writing in columns because it was a different way to lay out our writing.

Beth – I liked the research aspect of collecting information from texts and the internet.

Personal Talks – Literacy

The class was given a homework task to prepare a presentation to give to the class. We learned how to prepare for a presentation by watching a Powerpoint on how to prepare, organise and deliver a presentation. We learned that it is important to make eye contact with your audience and to speak in a slow, controlled and confident manner.

Every member of the class completed their presentation and made their presentation to the class. Some children created a Powerpoint, some brought in pictures and props. Our subject areas were as follows :- Lego,  wrestling, animal handling, various sports, arts and crafts, swiming, Dogs Trust, and the grooming kit for horses.

We self assessed and peer assessed our presentation to determine what we did well and how we could improve our presentation skills in the future.

Here are Callum , Oliva and Laurie in action  in action giving their talks.

Literacy – The Five Senses

In Science we are learning about how sound vibrations are carried by waves throught the air. We used the Read to Learn strategy to identify the key words in a text all about the five senses. We then used these key words to create a new text of our own which was a poster all about the five senses. We drew an illustration of each of the five senses , describing them using key words and scientific vocabularly.

We chose an appropriate lauout for our posters and used a range of punctuation, openers, connectives and WOW words.

Here are Tyler and Beth M’s posters.

Sea Bucket Art and Writing



We created these buckets full of sea life by carefully drawing the outline of a bucket, then adding details such as rocks, sea weed and underwater creatures. We used a variety of lines, patterns and shapes.  In writing, we then wrote a set of instructions on “How to draw a sea bucket.” We made sure that the layout was appropriate for a set of instructions and that we used ‘linking’ words for each step.