Tag Archives: Effective Contributors


Image result for Bullying Coloring Pages

In circle time P4 have talked about bullying behaviour and the effect it has on people. They talked about the way different people would feel – the person who displayed  the bullying behaviour, the person who was the target of the bullying behaviour, the teachers , other children , the parents etc. They hope to use this information and create some literacy work from it.

Pr. 3 Assembly

Pr. 3 took part in an assembly about Numeracy and Maths. We spoke about the different ways in which we used our maths skills. Through our Social Studies topic on the Rainforest we measured the length of a typical rainforest tree, we made symmetrical butterflies and we located rainforest animals in the playground using map grid references.  We were GGGRRREAT and the assembly was enjoyed by all.
