Category Archives: Technologies

Fact or Opinion? That is the question!

This week during Literacy we were learning to identify a fact and an opinion.

We now know that a fact is something that can be proven to be true and is backed up by evidence.

We now know that an opinion is something that can’t be proven to be true and some people can agree or disagree with it. This means it is subjective!

We took part in carousel activities to learn and practise how to identify a fact and opinion and justified our answers to our partners.

After that, we made our own Google Form Quizzes with several statements which were either fact or opinion. We shared our quizzes on our Google Classroom and our classmates were able to complete them .

Bounce Back

As part of their Health and Wellbeing learning, the children have been thinking about resilience and helpful thought processes when things go wrong. Bounce Back is an acrostic to help us all remember these strategies.

During their Golden Time, the children who chose ICT created a Bounce Back movie. They animated bouncing balls and filmed each other saying the strategies. The film is below (with a special effect to keep our children’s images private).