Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Safer Internet Day

The theme for Safer Internet Day was consent and we looked at lots of different scenarios involving consent on the internet.

We looked at different scripts for making a drama scene about having or giving consent to do things online.

The first scenario looked at two friends  who were taking selfies. One friend liked the selfie and wanted to post it in a group chat. The other did not want it posted however the friend posted it anyway. This resulted in a fall out and feelings being hurt. We felt that if the friend had asked the other friend for consent to post it then they would still be friends.

The next scenario looked at a group of four friends playing a zombie game online in a private group. One of the friends started to play a new game and met another player online. The friend invited the new player into the private group game without asking the other friends’ permission.  The group of friends wee angry that the friend had invited a stranger into the group without asking. They should have asked the group’s permission before inviting the player.

The third scenario looked at a child and the child’s mum. The child wanted a new version of his game and his mum was on the phone so the child decided not to ask for the game. The child bought the game anyway and cost the mum extra money. We felt the child should have waited until the mum was no longer on the phone to ask permission to buy the game.


Welcome to our blog, we are now in term 3!

This week in PE we started learning gymnastics. We were learning to balance and do inversions.

Firstly, we had to stretch to make sure that we didn’t injure ourselves or pull a muscle.

Then, we took out floor mats and got ourselves into pairs. Some of us demonstrated some balances that we could work on or improve on. Some examples of balances were: V sit, shoulder stand, Y stand, arabesque and one leg stand.

After, we worked on inversions. Again some of us demonstrated our inversion skills. We worked on techniques such as cartwheels, round-offs, handstands, crabs/bridges and head stands.

Below you can see some  pictures of what some of us were able to do:


verall, we really feel as though we have already improved our skills and we are looking forward to learning more skills and techniques this term.


Image result for Bullying Coloring Pages

In circle time P4 have talked about bullying behaviour and the effect it has on people. They talked about the way different people would feel – the person who displayed  the bullying behaviour, the person who was the target of the bullying behaviour, the teachers , other children , the parents etc. They hope to use this information and create some literacy work from it.

Social Justice


When P4 were doing bounce back they looked at social justice. They learned that social justice was about being fair and caring for all people in the world. They discussed the different groups who try to make sure that things are fair for all people. Save the Children was mentioned as well as many other charities.

In writing the children wrote thank you letters to Mrs. Strang for the work that she does for  Save the Children and making things fair for children across many countries.

P4 looked at some  art work that represented social justice and had an interesting discussion about how they managed this. They then used the visual elements of line, shape, colour and pattern  to create their own piece of  art work  showing the image of a handshake.

Here are two of the letters by Ruby and Rhys.