P4 have been looking at adjectives and how they help to make a picture in a sentence. They had to write about someone who lived in their house. This was to make it easier as they would know lots of details about that person. We had some very good pictures painted with words.
All posts by Miss Macdonald
Social Justice
When P4 were doing bounce back they looked at social justice. They learned that social justice was about being fair and caring for all people in the world. They discussed the different groups who try to make sure that things are fair for all people. Save the Children was mentioned as well as many other charities.
In writing the children wrote thank you letters to Mrs. Strang for the work that she does for Save the Children and making things fair for children across many countries.
P4 looked at some art work that represented social justice and had an interesting discussion about how they managed this. They then used the visual elements of line, shape, colour and pattern to create their own piece of art work showing the image of a handshake.
Here are two of the letters by Ruby and Rhys.
More facts about the Olympics
Here is the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero. We discovered that it looks over the city of Rio and is 38 metres in height. It is also 28 metres from finger tip to finger tip. We worked out how many classes would need to be put on top of one another to reach it and how many classes side by side would fit into the outstretched arms.We were shocked. It did make it very real for us though, as none of us have actually seen it. It also weighs 30 tons.
The Olympics in Rio
Our Favourite Rainforest Animals
Klimt Winter Trees Art
Senses Walk Poetry
We used our senses on a walk in the playground to describe what we saw, heard, smelled and felt. We then created these poems about our walk.
Rainforest Art
Bounce Back
As part of their Health and Wellbeing learning, the children have been thinking about resilience and helpful thought processes when things go wrong. Bounce Back is an acrostic to help us all remember these strategies.
During their Golden Time, the children who chose ICT created a Bounce Back movie. They animated bouncing balls and filmed each other saying the strategies. The film is below (with a special effect to keep our children’s images private).
Pr. 3 Assembly
Pr. 3 took part in an assembly about Numeracy and Maths. We spoke about the different ways in which we used our maths skills. Through our Social Studies topic on the Rainforest we measured the length of a typical rainforest tree, we made symmetrical butterflies and we located rainforest animals in the playground using map grid references. We were GGGRRREAT and the assembly was enjoyed by all.