All posts by Miss Macdonald


Image result for Bullying Coloring Pages

In circle time P4 have talked about bullying behaviour and the effect it has on people. They talked about the way different people would feel – the person who displayed  the bullying behaviour, the person who was the target of the bullying behaviour, the teachers , other children , the parents etc. They hope to use this information and create some literacy work from it.


Image result for crocodiles more or less

The circles and the triangles have been learning about more than  and less than. The crocodiles helped them to remember the correct position of the signs. It only eats big numbers. They were all very successful in this learning.

Image result for 3d shape

The squares have investigated 3D objects and  in doing so are now able to say how many faces,edges and corners these objects have.They also made these 3D objects  from nets that they cut up. Well done to Adam,Cameron C., Daisy and Grace.