All posts by Miss Emo

P3a’s Magestic May Blog

This month we were very lucky to go on a class trip to the Science Center. At the Planetarium we learned a lot of facts about the earth, stars and the moon.  Rachael said, “We saw lots different planets and stars that you can join together to make a picture, these are called constellations.”


In Science we have been learning about the phases of the moon for example gibbous moon, full moon, crescent moon, new moon, half moon and quarter moon.  We also learned how we get day and night and the seasons.  Sophie said, “We have also been learning about the human body and how it works.  We have played some games to help us learn.” Emma even drew a picture and labelled it with facts about the human body and shared the facts she learned with the class.”


In ICT we have been using our skills to make a PowerPoint about the phases of the moon.  Emma said, “In art we have been using different strategies to make a moon”. We used chalk, pastels and different shades of grey to make our pictures.


Logan said, “In music we have started learning different musical instruments from Peter and the Wolf that represent different characters from the story.”


In Social Studies we have been learning about wants and needs.  For example a need is something you can’t live without and a want is something you would like to have but could live without it.


May’s Awesome Achievers

P3 have been amazing achievers this month using their creative skills to make things and create beautiful art work.  Others have been celebrating their sporting abilities in football and swimming.  One person was being very responsible at the train station looking after their siblings, while others demonstrated their confidence in being able to perform at a dance show.

The Marvellous March Blog

In social studies we talked about the importance of different Scottish inventions and how they have had an impact on our lives today.  We have even been using our creative skills to think of ways to be inventors ourselves like coming up with ideas to reinvent a pencil.  In ICT we researched some Scottish inventors to find out more about them.  We used this information to practice using PowerPoint.


We have been learning about different rhythms and have started using rests in Music.  A rest is a break in the music when nothing is played or sung.  In Art we have been exploring our use of colour and texture to create beautiful cherry blossom trees to decorate the school corridor with.  We have been practicing our performance and presentation skills for both our Class Assembly and for our Spring Service.  We were confident at speaking our lines clearly and used movement, expression and voice to make our performance interesting.


Awesome Achievements:

P3a have been awesome achievers this month in music, sport, personal skills and hobbies. Some people have felt they have been achieving by helping others. Some of us continue to challenge ourselves in reading and maths by practicing our times tables. One person has been proud of being able to do a walk over in gymnastics. Others are happy with their sporting abilities in swimming and cycling. One person has started to take piano lessons, while others have been exploring their creative skills by building and making things. Some of us have been really excited to be starting cubs and brownies.


Great work P3a!

P3a’s Joyous January Blog

During January P3a have been working very hard and have been learning about some very interesting things. In science we have been learning how magnets work. Rosie said, “We learned about the North and South poles. If you put two of the same poles together then they will repel. If you put the opposite ones together they will attract.” We investigated using magnets through different materials; Innes said, “We made a maze and a character. We put them on the table and used a magnet underneath the table to bring it around the maze.”


In ICT we have been using our research skills to find out information about different Scottish inventors. We have been using different websites to find facts about the inventors. We recorded the information so that we could report back to the class. “Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and he was born in 1847?” said Alex. We also played a fun interactive game to find out about John Logie Baird and how he made the Television.


We have been researching people from the past by finding out about some Scottish Inventors. We completed a really challenging task by using clues to help us find about some Scottish inventors. We looked at our poster of skills for learning, life and work and saw that we were using our problem solving, leadership and working with others skills.


In RME we explored Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. We investigated the Chinese Zodiac designing our own animal with adjectives to describe their personality. We used our artistic skills using line, shape and colour to create dragons and “good luck” cards with special Chinese writing.


In Health and Wellbeing we have been focusing on the topic of courage. We have been using our talking and listening skills to discuss various acts of courage and have been thinking about ways to help us be more courageous when we are scared.


Awesome Achievers

P3a have been awesome achievers this month in music, sport, personal skills and hobbies. Some people have felt they have been achieving by helping others. Some of us continue to challenge ourselves in reading and maths by practicing our times tables. One person has been proud of being able to do a walk over in gymnastics. Others are happy with their sporting abilities in swimming and cycling. One person has started to take piano lessons, while others have been exploring their creative skills by building and making things. Some of us have been really excited to be starting cubs and brownies. Well done P3a!

November Blog

This month in Primary 3a we have been working really hard in science, social studies, art, ICT, French and music. In science we have been learning about different types of renewable energy. We took part in the “switch off fortnight” challenge, which encouraged us to save energy at school and at home – some of us even had to teach our parents how to be more eco-friendly! We have been learning about the importance of caring for our environment so that we can help stop pollution. We were even practicing our persuasive writing to persuade Mr Lawson to make Giffnock Primary more eco-friendly.


We were really excited to have our first trip of the year when we went for a walk in the local area. We looked out for solar panels, different types of houses and homes and collected some leaves. We used the leaves as inspiration to create some “Awesome Autumn Art” by using colour, line and texture to create leaf prints and a portrait of an autumn tree.


In French we have been learning to say the days of the week and months of the year so that we can now talk about the date in French. C’est fantastique!


In ICT we have been learning to use search engines to research eco-friendly houses and homes.


Finally, in music we have been learning all about rhythm and rests. We have also been learning some musical notes with hand signs.


Awesome Achievers

We have been celebrating our personal, sporting, responsible and creative achievements in P3a this month. Some people have been taking on some extra responsibilities at home to help out with cooking and looking after pets.  A few of us have been proud of becoming more independent in doing our homework, calculations and making computer games.  We have been delighted with our achievements in various sports including: swimming, football, gymnastics, golf, climbing and tennis.  Some of us have even demonstrated our achievements by performing for the Bollywood dance show.  Others have been really creative by building a hedgehog house and practicing our drawing skills. Personal achievements this month have included taking part in a Brownies service. Well done to the awesome achievers in P3a!

October Blog

During the month of October, Primary 3a have been learning some really exciting things. We began the month by reading a book called “Eco Wolf”, which was an alternative take on the story of The Three Little Pigs.  However, in this story the pigs were the bad guys and the wolf was good because he was eco-friendly.  We also used an interactive ICT programme to help us learn more about the three R’s by completing some missions where we had to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We learned that by doing all these things we can Respect the environment. This led to a discussion about ways that we can care for the environment and have even started a survey in school to find out how eco-friendly our teachers/classes are being.


We have been continuing to learn about plants and have been keeping a watchful eye on our experiment. So far we have found that our experiment has not gone as predicted and have discovered that the seeds with no soil and the seeds with no light have begun to grow while none of the other seeds have grown.  We look forward to seeing if our plants grow any further and will continue to record their progress.  We have also been using our investigating skills to make a poster about how to grow a bean and a nasturtium plant. We used our skills for life and work to help us work collaboratively.


In art this month we have been very crafty making our own spooky ghost decorations and spider baskets by using a range of media to create texture and layers so that they looked effective.


In music we have been working on rhythm by learning the beats “ta” and “te, te”.   We even learned that our heart beats like a rhythm.


October Awesome Achievers

P3a have had some fantastic achievements this month. We have been celebrating our achievements in sport, art, hobbies and personal skills.  Some children have been proud of taking on some extra responsibilities at home to help out.  Other people have been really creative making crafts, books and toys.  Someone even created a video game. Quite a few of us have gained some personal skills in mental maths and learning to tie our shoelaces.    Finally, we have been doing a range of sports including golf, swimming, rugby, gymnastics, dance and football.

September Learning Blog

At beginning of term we were learning about the author Roald Dahl. We read many books written by Roald Dahl including ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, ‘The Magic Finger’ and ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’. To explore some of his unusual characters we used drama to help us investigate their character traits.  We created our own crocodiles and designed our own clever tricks for The Enormous Crocodile if he came to Giffnock.  We even carried out an experiment about a magic finger and we learned how to make a prediction.

In science we have also been learning about plants. We worked in groups to discuss different experiments we could carry out to test plant growth. Having planted our seeds we are looking forward to recording their growth.

In Social Studies we investigated different types of houses and identified which type of house we lived in. In Art we used line and shape to create our own house and used our imagination to design an unusual house.


Awesome Achievers

Primary 3a have been celebrating their achievements in sport, art, hobbies and personal skills. Some people have been doing really well at sports including swimming, gymnastics, dancing, climbing, frisbee, rugby, football, cycling and diving.  Someone even won a trophy for their achievement in rugby.  Someone helped look after their pet rabbits. Another person has been learning to do really hard calculations at home.  One person created a house for their toys and some people have been learning to tie their shoe laces and their tie.