September Learning Blog

At beginning of term we were learning about the author Roald Dahl. We read many books written by Roald Dahl including ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, ‘The Magic Finger’ and ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’. To explore some of his unusual characters we used drama to help us investigate their character traits.  We created our own crocodiles and designed our own clever tricks for The Enormous Crocodile if he came to Giffnock.  We even carried out an experiment about a magic finger and we learned how to make a prediction.

In science we have also been learning about plants. We worked in groups to discuss different experiments we could carry out to test plant growth. Having planted our seeds we are looking forward to recording their growth.

In Social Studies we investigated different types of houses and identified which type of house we lived in. In Art we used line and shape to create our own house and used our imagination to design an unusual house.


Awesome Achievers

Primary 3a have been celebrating their achievements in sport, art, hobbies and personal skills. Some people have been doing really well at sports including swimming, gymnastics, dancing, climbing, frisbee, rugby, football, cycling and diving.  Someone even won a trophy for their achievement in rugby.  Someone helped look after their pet rabbits. Another person has been learning to do really hard calculations at home.  One person created a house for their toys and some people have been learning to tie their shoe laces and their tie.