The Marvellous March Blog

In social studies we talked about the importance of different Scottish inventions and how they have had an impact on our lives today.  We have even been using our creative skills to think of ways to be inventors ourselves like coming up with ideas to reinvent a pencil.  In ICT we researched some Scottish inventors to find out more about them.  We used this information to practice using PowerPoint.


We have been learning about different rhythms and have started using rests in Music.  A rest is a break in the music when nothing is played or sung.  In Art we have been exploring our use of colour and texture to create beautiful cherry blossom trees to decorate the school corridor with.  We have been practicing our performance and presentation skills for both our Class Assembly and for our Spring Service.  We were confident at speaking our lines clearly and used movement, expression and voice to make our performance interesting.


Awesome Achievements:

P3a have been awesome achievers this month in music, sport, personal skills and hobbies. Some people have felt they have been achieving by helping others. Some of us continue to challenge ourselves in reading and maths by practicing our times tables. One person has been proud of being able to do a walk over in gymnastics. Others are happy with their sporting abilities in swimming and cycling. One person has started to take piano lessons, while others have been exploring their creative skills by building and making things. Some of us have been really excited to be starting cubs and brownies.


Great work P3a!