Tag Archives: P3

Afterschool Clubs

Our afterschool programme for this term has been posted on the website Thornliebank Term 2 – Jan-April 2018 and letters for all clubs starting week beginning January 22nd were sent home yesterday. Please return tear off slips by Friday 12th January.

Rugby P1-3 term 3             Running P6-7 Term 3                                         Handball P3-5 Term 3               Football P1-3 Term 3                           Dance P4-7 term 3

There are still places in the P5-7 netball club which started yesterday see Mrs McGarvey if your child would like a place.

Netball P6-7 Term 3

SC48 Appendix 4b 

Appendix 4b should be completed for any pupil attending a club and will be sent home if your child gets a place in a particular club

We are also looking for parent volunteers for Friday football club and to help with a cooking club starting later in the term with Mrs McGarvey. If any parent would like to run their own afterschool club please contact Mrs McGarvey.

There is also still time to return the form for the P7 volleyball club in Woodfarm starting soon.

Woodfarm Cluster – P7 Volleyball Club



Active Schools in partnership with East Renfrewshire Cricket Club are offering all P1-4 children across East Renfrewshire primary schools the opportunity to participate in the National ‘ALLSTARS CRICKET PROGRAMME’. This is starting on Tuesday 23rd May at Woodfarm Cricket Pitches from 5-6pm.

It will run for 8 weeks and parents will need to register their children online to book their place as places are limited.

Register at www.eastrenfrencricketclub.com

The cost is £40.00 for block this includes coaching and kids get a bag with their own cricket kit!

So try a new sport sign up now for some fun cricket lessons…



Tempest Photography will visit the school & ELCC on Monday 6 March to take individual photographs. Photographs can be ordered directly from Tempest online at www.tempest-photography.co.uk or by entering you credit card details on the order form that you will receive nearer the time. Please note that our office will be unable to accept any cash payments for photographs.


Afterschool Clubs – Term 4

More letters in school bags today for P1-3 Fitness and P4-7 Football and Multisport

Many of this term’s afterschool clubs are up and running with lots of  opportunities for pupils once again at Thornliebank Primary,  Woodfarm HIgh School and Giffnock Tennis Club thanks to staff, coaches and volunteers. We now have parent and community  volunteers helping with and running several clubs – should you wish to volunteer (we have great demand for a permanent football club)please contact Mrs McGarvey or Mrs Baxter.

Further information on Afterschool Page of the website and in the attached Programme of Clubs.

After school programme -April- June 2016

Sports Relief Event – Wednesday 16th March

Pupils are asked to donate a minimum of £1 to raise a donation for the Worthy Cause of Sports Relief. Pupils are asked to bring in bright PE kits and a water bottle. They will be running laps in the playground to try and run as many miles as we can as a school.

Getting fitter while raising funds for charity.

Primary 7 will be marshalling the event whist encouraging the younger pupils.

Afterschool Clubs

Thornliebank have a huge number of afterschool clubs happening both in and out of school this term.

Please use the link below to see a list of those starting this week or next and some starting later this term. If you wish any information about any club please contact Mrs McGarvey.

After school programme-January- March 2016

Some of the P1-3 clubs were so popular we have no places left and some pupils are waiting for places so if your child will no longer use a place they have been allocated please contact the school as soon as possible.


WOW  week in Thornliebank is the 16th-20th November. Thank you to all our parents, friends and relatives who have offered to come into speak with classes.

Remember our Dress for the Future day will be MOnday 16th November when the pupils are invited to Dress  up as the job or career they would like to have in the future. Certificates will be given for the most interesting and unusual careers and jobs chosen.

Greenbank Gardens Wheelbarrow Competition 13th and 14th June

Latest news – the nursery class once again won this competition with their Gruffalo Entry. Well done!!


Once again 2 classes from our school and nursery have entered wheelbarrows in Greenbank Gardens Wheelbarrow Competition. Please go along to the Gardens this Saturday 13th June and Sunday 14th June and vote for our Nursery Class and Primary 3 Wheelbarrows. We have done well in this competition every yaer since we started entering but we need all your votes to do so. If you say you are there to vote in the competition you will get free entry to do so.

Greenbank Gardens

Flenders Road


East renfrewshire
