Tag Archives: Information

Afterschool Clubs

Our afterschool programme for this term has been posted on the website Thornliebank Term 2 – Jan-April 2018 and letters for all clubs starting week beginning January 22nd were sent home yesterday. Please return tear off slips by Friday 12th January.

Rugby P1-3 term 3             Running P6-7 Term 3                                         Handball P3-5 Term 3               Football P1-3 Term 3                           Dance P4-7 term 3

There are still places in the P5-7 netball club which started yesterday see Mrs McGarvey if your child would like a place.

Netball P6-7 Term 3

SC48 Appendix 4b 

Appendix 4b should be completed for any pupil attending a club and will be sent home if your child gets a place in a particular club

We are also looking for parent volunteers for Friday football club and to help with a cooking club starting later in the term with Mrs McGarvey. If any parent would like to run their own afterschool club please contact Mrs McGarvey.

There is also still time to return the form for the P7 volleyball club in Woodfarm starting soon.

Woodfarm Cluster – P7 Volleyball Club


Tempest Photography will visit the school & ELCC on Monday 6 March to take individual photographs. Photographs can be ordered directly from Tempest online at www.tempest-photography.co.uk or by entering you credit card details on the order form that you will receive nearer the time. Please note that our office will be unable to accept any cash payments for photographs.