Tag Archives: after school

Afterschool Clubs

Our afterschool programme for this term has been posted on the website Thornliebank Term 2 – Jan-April 2018 and letters for all clubs starting week beginning January 22nd were sent home yesterday. Please return tear off slips by Friday 12th January.

Rugby P1-3 term 3             Running P6-7 Term 3                                         Handball P3-5 Term 3               Football P1-3 Term 3                           Dance P4-7 term 3

There are still places in the P5-7 netball club which started yesterday see Mrs McGarvey if your child would like a place.

Netball P6-7 Term 3

SC48 Appendix 4b 

Appendix 4b should be completed for any pupil attending a club and will be sent home if your child gets a place in a particular club

We are also looking for parent volunteers for Friday football club and to help with a cooking club starting later in the term with Mrs McGarvey. If any parent would like to run their own afterschool club please contact Mrs McGarvey.

There is also still time to return the form for the P7 volleyball club in Woodfarm starting soon.

Woodfarm Cluster – P7 Volleyball Club



Active Schools in partnership with East Renfrewshire Cricket Club are offering all P1-4 children across East Renfrewshire primary schools the opportunity to participate in the National ‘ALLSTARS CRICKET PROGRAMME’. This is starting on Tuesday 23rd May at Woodfarm Cricket Pitches from 5-6pm.

It will run for 8 weeks and parents will need to register their children online to book their place as places are limited.

Register at www.eastrenfrencricketclub.com

The cost is £40.00 for block this includes coaching and kids get a bag with their own cricket kit!

So try a new sport sign up now for some fun cricket lessons…


Woodfarm Cricket Cluster Club- P5-7s.

There are still spaces left for the Cluster Cricket club starting on Thursday 2nd February at Woodfarm High School.

The Cricket will be delivered by East Renfrewshire Cricket Club coach Ammar Ashraf who has also been into the P5s teaching Cricket during their P.E.

We would love more boys and girls to sign up so we can create a club at Woodfarm and use the NEW Cricket Grounds for training and games.

Children will learn how to play and also get a chance to participate in fun games against other schools.

Club runs 5-6pm at Woodfarm pitches and is £12.00 for the block.

Please contact Active School co-ordinator Marie Baxter on 07766904786/ 07800620690 if your child would like a place.


Cricket Cluster Club: Thursday’s 5-6pm @ Woodfarm High School-P5-7s

Cricket Cluster Club: Thursday’s 5-6pm @ Woodfarm High School.

Over the last few years Active School Co-ordinator has arranged a Cricket club for pupils across the primary schools in P5-7s. The club is run by East Renfrewshire Cricket Club and delivered by coach Ammar Ashraf. The pupils will get a chance to play lots of games and learn the basic skills of cricket. The club will run in the small gym at Woodfarm or if weather is nice run outside on the pitches.

Club starts: Thursday 2nd February- 9th March 2017.

Cost of club is £12.00.

Please return the slip if your child is interested in attending the club by Friday 20th January to your school office.

You will receive a confirmation letter to state your child has a place and will be asked to bring payment on the first night.

Please click on the link below for a copy of the letter that was emailed home today.




Afterschool Clubs – Term 4

More letters in school bags today for P1-3 Fitness and P4-7 Football and Multisport

Many of this term’s afterschool clubs are up and running with lots of  opportunities for pupils once again at Thornliebank Primary,  Woodfarm HIgh School and Giffnock Tennis Club thanks to staff, coaches and volunteers. We now have parent and community  volunteers helping with and running several clubs – should you wish to volunteer (we have great demand for a permanent football club)please contact Mrs McGarvey or Mrs Baxter.

Further information on Afterschool Page of the website and in the attached Programme of Clubs.

After school programme -April- June 2016

Football Club

There is great demand for a football club in Thornliebank Primary.  Whilst we have run football coaching sessions we  need volunteers to sustain a weekly club throughout the session as teachers are running a variety of other clubs and activities.

If you would like to volunteer please contact the school office and speak to Mrs McGarvey, PT or Marie Baxter for more information.

East Renfrewshire Volunteer Programme

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Limited are looking to recruit an enthusiastic group of sports volunteers, aged 16 or over, to assist in the delivery of their sport and physical activity programmes including multi-sport coaching (daytime, after school, evenings or weekends) and school holiday activities.  Our next recruitment evening will be held as follows:

Wednesday 3rd February 2016

St Ninian’s High School, Giffnock

6.00 – 7.00pm

If you think you have what it takes and can make a difference to the local sports community, we’d love to hear from you!  For more information or to book a place, please contact Barry Cook, Active Schools Team Leader on 0141 570 7330 or email activeschools@ea.e-renfrew.sch.uk



Afterschool Clubs

Thornliebank have a huge number of afterschool clubs happening both in and out of school this term.

Please use the link below to see a list of those starting this week or next and some starting later this term. If you wish any information about any club please contact Mrs McGarvey.

After school programme-January- March 2016

Some of the P1-3 clubs were so popular we have no places left and some pupils are waiting for places so if your child will no longer use a place they have been allocated please contact the school as soon as possible.

Woodfarm Cluster Badminton Tournament

A team of 4 boys and 4 girls visited Woodfarm last Friday with Mrs McGarvey to take part in a Cluster Badminton Tournament. The team had the opportunity to play singles, doubles and mixed doubles games. We enjoyed taking part and wish Giffnock, the cluster winners, success in the East Renfrewshire Tournament later in the session. Some of the team are attending the Badminton Event at the Emirates Arena this weekend after our school obtained free tickets. The badminton after school club will continue next term led by Mrs McGarvey.Badminton picture (2)

Active School Awards

 Mrs Baxter will be attending our assembly before the end of term to issue awards to pupils who have been selected by coaches, teachers and volunteers to receive the award. Pupils have been chosen due to their excellent sportsmanship, determination and respect for others and the leaders whilst at the clubs. Awards will be issued to pupils who have also excelled in the sport/ activity.