SCEN China Youth Summit

The SCEN China Youth Summit was a great success and a valuable experience for those pupils who attended. The following feedback was given by staff who attended the event:

It was a very well organised, informative day, where Chinese/Scotland links were celebrated in a variety of ways.
It is clear that the Scottish Government is committed to maintaining and strengthening Chinese education in Scotland with the considerable help of the Chinese Government, as well as continuing to promote cultural, sporting, musical and linguistic links.
There were a number of excellent presentations talking about how links have been established. It was great to hear first-hand from many young people about how they developed life skills such as communication (when they told the Chinese about life in about Scotland), independent living (when they coped with daily life in China) team building (when they worked together to raise funds for charity to fund the trips etc). They mentioned how meeting with and talking to young Chinese people made them feel like Global Citizens.
Particularly impressive were the young people from Saint Ninian’s whose presentation involved music, an excellent PowerPoint and showcased some of the youngsters speaking at length in Mandarin as well as interpreting from Mandarin to English.
There was a wonderful, positive atmosphere of friendship and co-operation and a genuine willingness to maintain existing, strong links and to build towards further links by seeking out opportunities for sharing ideas and involving more Scottish and Chinese young people.
There was a unique opportunity to meet with many Chinese and Scottish people from many walks of life – Politics, Industry, the Church, Youth Ambassadors as well as teachers and students. The young Scottish students clearly enjoyed exchanging ideas and thoughts with one another also. Some caught up again with people they had met on previous trips to China.
The setting for the event was impressive and Gleneagles were attentive hosts.
All in all it was a highly successful day and memories of which will remain with us for a time to come.

More photographs from the event can be found here.

Pupil feedback from the event can be found on our Pupil Voice website.

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