Enrichment Opportunities

Philosophy Matters

The @philosophyfound are providing free philosophy sessions for ages 7-11, 11-14 and 14-18. Discussions are based on philosophical questions, thought experiments and stories. This is a great opportunity for young people to discover critical reflection: https://buff.ly/2zk3zwf

VE Day 75: Virtual tea party lesson pack

Join Discovery Education as they commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day. Through a series of activities, learn what life was like in Britain during the Second World War culminating in a national virtual tea party.

Languages for Life

The national platform, e-Sgoil, is providing opportunities for young people at primary and secondary schools across Scotland to learn a wide range of languages and to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the languages they are learning currently. Delivered through Glow, teachers will be providing live, timetabled and interactive sessions. Find out more


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