Holy Week – Tuesday


These days for most of us, there is no Confession, no Eucharist, no Mass.  No Liturgy at all.  How difficult it may seem to prepare for the celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection.  However, with the aid of the internet and live-streaming of Holy Mass, we can contemplate Jesus still in our lives.  Jesus often comes to us in the simple things of life.  A few days ago a priest-friend of mine was stopped in the Via della Conciliazione leading to St Peter’s Square.  He was about to produce the document giving permission for him to be there whereupon, one of the Carabinieri said, “No, Monsignor, we are stopping you to ask for a blessing.”  A small but sweet gift from the Lord. We don’t easily contemplate dying, and we rarely contemplate being dead.  I wonder if you have ever had the experience of being with someone at the moment of death. It is an obvious but profound thing to say that with death, life ends.  Breathing stops.  You wait, wondering if there is going to be another breath. But no….in an instant, the life of this person has ended.  Last week I officiated at the burial of Alice.  In the exact moment that I raised my hand to bless the grave, the local church bell began to peal.  One stroke, two, seven and eventually eleven.  It was the Eleventh Hour.  In the midst of sadness, it was as if Jesus was saying, “Do not be afraid.  I am here” ….and we were all filled  with incredible peace.  That we are saved from the ultimate power of sin and of death itself, comes to us as a great relief, as a tremendous liberation.  If Jesus lives, you and I will live!  The mystery of death,  will be overcome – we will live forever!

Let us Pray:    

Lord, in this time of trouble we take our refuge in you.

Let us, delivered from present danger, sing of your salvation, given through Jesus your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


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