Temporary road restrictions: Fenwick Road (A77), Giffnock

In order to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works on Fenwick Road, Giffnock a Temporary Restriction to Use of Roads Order has been promoted. To ensure the safety of the general public and for those carrying out the works the Order will permit the below restrictions for a maximum of 14 days from Monday 13th March to Sunday 26th March 2017 or until completion of the works if sooner. The Order will permit the closures of Fenwick Road, Berryhill Road, Seyton Avenue, and Montgomery Drive, Giffnock and for turning restrictions on Berryhill Drive, Seyton Avenue, and Montgomery Drive, Giffnock. The resurfacing works and subsequent restrictions will be carried out in three phases.

 Phase 1

Closures: Northbound Fenwick Road from the junction with Eastwood Toll to the junction with Otterburn Drive and Berryhill Road at the junction with Fenwick Road.

 Phase 2

Closures: Southbound Fenwick Road from Montgomery Drive to Eastwood Toll and Seyton Avenue at the junction with Fenwick Road.

Turning Restrictions: Berryhill Drive no right turn onto Fenwick Road and Montgomery Drive no left turn onto Fenwick Road.

 Phase 3

Closures: Southbound Fenwick Road from the junction with Otterburn Drive to Eastwood Toll except the junction with Seyton Avenue and Montgomery Drive at the junction with Fenwick Road.

Turning Restrictions: Berryhill Drive no right turn onto Fenwick Road and Seyton Avenue no left turn onto Fenwick Road.


Details of the restrictions and alternative routes can be found here, in the Notice of Order:Fenwick Road Giffnock – (Notice of Order)


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