Category Archives: News

Diocesan Cluster Masses – Lent 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

Diocesan Cluster Masses, Lent 2018

Following the Synod, Paisley Diocese is embarking on a diocesan renewal initiative called, Making All Things New. Copies of Bishop John’s pastoral letter and of an explanatory leaflet have been emailed to all parents and carers

A central idea from the Synod is to create new church cluster areas around the eight high schools of the Diocese, matching the local authority associated primary cluster areas.

The first event in our church cluster is a Lenten Station Mass. This will be held in St. John’s Church, Barrhead, Thursday 15th February, 7.00pm.

Bishop John hopes that there will be involvement of a representative group of pupils at our local Mass. Children from St. Mark’s, St. John’s and St. Thomas’s are invited to participate in the offertory procession.

Please indicate below if you intend to attend this mass.

Yours sincerely

Lindsay Kelly
Principal Teacher

Diocesan Cluster Masses


My child ___________________________________ will be attending the Lenten Station Mass, Thursday 15thFebruary, 7.00pm.


Signed ___________________________________________






P2 and P3 Parents and Carers – Read, Write, Count Survey

As the Read, Write, Count bags aim to support family learning, we are also gathering feedback from parents and carers of children in P2 and P3. .

The survey for parents can be found at:

All parents who fill in this survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a personal Read, Write, Count goodie bag filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline for completing this survey is Tuesday 27 February.


Parliamentary Motion

As we celebrate Catholic Education Week, I wanted to bring to your attention two Motions put to the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments in support of Catholic Education, and in particular the note that we are marking the Centenary of the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act.


We would like to encourage every MP and MSP to sign the appropriate Motion as a sign of the continuing partnership between Church and Government. I would therefore ask your assistance in encouraging our parents, parishioners, staff and pupils to contact their local MP and MSP to ask if they will be publicly supporting Catholic Education by putting their name to this Motion.



As you will see there are already 8 supporters (including the proposer Donald Cameron) in the Scottish Parliament and 19 in Westminster.  We would hope that with the help of our Catholic Education community we could contact all MPs and MSPs and encourage them to sign.



Explorathon is back!

Explorathon is back!

Friday 29th September

On Friday 29th September over 300 cities across Europe will celebrate research in a one-night continent-wide festival: Explorathon! All across Glasgow, get up close and hands-on with our world changing research. Discover the truth behind the headlines as we ask “Do you believe in Science?” at Kelvinhall. Sing along as we explore how Victorian novels are turned into hit musicals or join us for an evening of curiosity at the Riverside Museum, packed with hands-on activities. It’s all totally FREE! Check out the program and grab a ticket for your favourite event here:


Update on Sports Day/ School Trip

What a wonderful day we all had on our whole school trip to Findlaystone today! The weather was amazing and we all had a ball.

Please check out all the pictures and videos on twitter-you will love them!

Tomorrow is sports day and again we are so lucky with the forecast which is very warm-18 degrees. Please remember to bring filled water bottle! Parents are invited to join us for sports with P1-3 at 11-12.30 and P4-7 at 1.30-3. Parents are more than welcome to stay the whole time and bring a picnic for lunch in the grounds or purchase from a selection of food and drinks for parents and pupils from the stall Aurs Cafe will set up. There will also be a pocket money prices tuck shop run by P7 pupils (please bring loose change for this if possible!)

We are all looking forward to another fantastic day at St Mark’s!

Reminder: Health Week This week Monday 12th-Friday 16th June!

We are looking forward to our Health Week this week with loads of fantastic activities and taster session for our pupils.

All pupils are invited to wear their sports clothes this week instead of school uniform. Please ensure raincoats for the showery weather forecast as well as a filled water bottle and a healthy snack.

Tuesday is our whole school trip to Findlaystone which we are all looking forward to and we ask the children come suitably dressed for the weather-for eg. old trainers or wellies, joggies, school polo shirt, jumpers/ hoodies and showerproof jackets etc.

Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch this day in a throwaway bag. If you are  in receipt of free meals a packed lunch will be provided by the school.

P7 will have their own tuck shop on the day with pocket money prices for all pupils to buy from so feel free to bring a pound to spend (no need for more than  £1  as we will not be going to the shop)

On Wednesday is our school sports day with P1-3 at 11-12.30 and P4-7 1.30-3pm

Please feel free to stay over lunchtime this day  and bring your own picnic and blanket or bring money to buy from our stall provided by Aurs Cafe.

We look forward to all activities this week and pleased keep an eye on twitter for pictures/ more news of events!