All posts by K Flaherty
Singing Children of Africa
School Holidays and In-Service Day – Reminders
St Mark’s will be Closed on the following Dates:
Friday 22nd May (May Weekend Holiday)
Monday 25th May (May Weekend Holiday)
Tuesday 26th May (In-service Day)
School will close at 1.00pm on Wednesday 24th June.
Walk to School Week, 18th-22nd May 2015
Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents. Each day of Walk to School Week will explore a different health benefit of walking to school.
- Daily exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Walking is good for our hearts, lungs, muscles and bones.
- Children that walk to school arrive more alert and ready to start the day. Walking can also have a positive effect on your mood.
- Getting into the habit of an energetic walk at the start of the day can also encourage healthy eating habits such as having a nutritious breakfast every morning.
- The whole family can get fit walking to school. It’s also a great time to spend quality time together and chat about your day.
- Gas from cars pollutes the air. If more people walk, there will be fewer cars and less pollution. Cleaner air is better for us and our planet.
St Mark’s pupils have been very busy for past two weeks- A visit to Schoenstatt for P7, First Communion for P4’s, Confirmation for Primary 7’s and the May procession at St John’s.
Parent Council Meeting-May 2015
Parent Workshop
Weekly House Points
Parent Equalities Forum
The last Parent Equalities Forum of this session will take place on Thursday 14 May in Braidbar Primary School at 7pm.
Understanding Children’s Behaviour Workshop
Weekly House Points
St Mark’s Lego Club
St Mark’s is launching a new Lego club . The groups will be small, engaging and excellent for developing communication skills. Children adopt specific roles and work together, communicating effectively to follow instructions and complete tasks. To help purchase some additional Lego materials some of the new members went shopping at the Lego store today, spending over £250 on Lego goodies.
Dyslexia Scotland Meeting
House Points
Aqua Zone
Swimfit Classes
Feast Day of St. Mark
Saturday 25th of April is the Feast of St Mark. We will be celebrating, as a school, on Friday 24th April with a Mass at St John’s and a special treat for pupils in school.
About St. Mark
His feast day is April 25. He is the patron saint of notaries.
The second Gospel was written by St. Mark, who, in the New Testament, is sometimes called John Mark. Both he and his mother, Mary, were highly esteemed in the early Church, and his mother’s house in Jerusalem served as a meeting place for Christians.
St. Mark was friends with St. Paul and St. Barnabas (who was Mark’s cousin) on their missionary journey through the island of Cyprus. Later he accompanied St. Barnabas alone. We know also that he was in Rome with St. Peter and St. Paul.
St. Mark wrote the second Gospel, probably in Rome sometime before the year 60 A.D Tradition tells us that St. Mark was requested by the Romans to set down the teachings of St. Peter. In this way the second Gospel is a record of the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of Peter, Prince of the Apostles.
Reminder-Breakfast Provision
Removal of Free Breakfast Provision
Unfortunately given the financial situation facing the Council, the provision of free breakfasts will cease with effect from the start of the next term (i.e. when pupils return after the Spring break on 20th April 2015). Please note that the breakfast club will continue to operate after this date (and at least until 31st March 2016) at a charge of £0.95 per day for each pupil (discounted to £0.90 for each additional sibling attending).
In taking this decision the Council is hopeful that the recently introduced provision of free school lunches for all P1-P3 pupils will help to reduce the impact of this saving.