Category Archives: Parents

Healthier Minds – A Guide for Parents and Carers

Healthier Minds - A Guide for Parents and Carers

Healthier Minds – A Guide for Parents and Carers brings together
information and practical advice that we think you will find helpful when
supporting your child to manage life’s challenges. It includes information
about how low mood, anxiety and stress can affect us, how to develop
resilience, and looks at ways of developing strategies with your child to help
them manage and feel a bit better. There is also information about relevant
local services in East Renfrewshire, and the different roles that professionals
can have in supporting children, young people and families who are
experiencing more chronic and severe mental health needs

Eyes Open Campaign 2019


Child Protection Committees Scotland’s Eyes Open campaign 2019

Everyone is urged to keep their #EyesOpen for children at risk during the school summer holidays. A new @CPCScotland campaign says we can all do our bit to protect children

@CPCScotland’s new #EyesOpen campaign urges everyone to look out for vulnerable wee people in the holidays. See something? Do something.

If you’re worried about a child during the school holidays, it’s better to say something than do nothing. @CPCScotland urges everyone to keep their #EyesOpen for children at risk

All of us can keep Scotland’s children safe from harm in the school holidays by taking an #EyesOpen approach

A new @CPCScotland summer campaign encourages everyone to help protect vulnerable children in the school holidays. If you’re worried, say something. #EyesOpen

For further information see Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection website.


School Travel Survey for East Renfrewshire schools

East Renfrewshire Council have recently launched a School Travel Survey for East Renfrewshire schools – – and we would be keen for you to get involved.

The survey differs from the recent Employee Travel Survey as it is aimed at parents/guardians, pupils, school staff and local communities. This provides an opportunity for people to share views on school travel and comment on initiatives, incentives or improvements that may encourage more walking and cycling to school. The platform also includes an interactive map to help us identify specific issues, barriers or opportunities getting to and from school.

An initial deadline for feedback is 29 May 2019, however, the platform will be open throughout 2019 to assist with future planning.

Equalities Forum – 16th May 2019

Our final Equalities Forum of the school year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 16th May 2019 in the Contemplation Room, Woodfarm High School.

The forum will showcase the work that Woodfarm High School have taken forward to promote racial and religious diversity within their school community. A presentation will be led by Fiona Johnston, Depute Head Teacher, with contributions from pupils and partner agencies.