Aid for Refugees

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will all be aware of the current plight of refugees, mainly from Syria, and the efforts made to send aid to charitable or aid organisations to support families who now find themselves in great need of help.  Councillor Waters is co-ordinating aid to those who are held in refugee camps in Calais and he is organising a convoy which leaves later on this month. 

We know that many of you will be supporting this cause in a variety of ways, however, we would like to take this opportunity to ask if you would be willing to donate some items which will hopefully bring comfort to children and families caught in this tragic situation.

Things which are much needed and in very short supply are:

  • small torches
  • double AA batteries for torches
  • tea lights
  • jars and packets of ready to eat baby food

The general list the Aid organisations are asking for include:

  • warm clothing for men and boys
  • waterproof clothing for men and boys
  • sturdy footwear for men, women and children (all sizes and all ages)
  • camping equipment in working order
  • basic toiletries (soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste etc)
  • transportable food (anything non-perishable, e.g. tinned food, rice etc

Could you please bring in any donations you may have by Thursday 8th October so that we can organise for them to be collected and sorted.

Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Jamieson
Head Teacher
