Newsletter – 4th November 2013

Dear Parent/Carer 

October devotions and Rosary were very well attended throughout the month, organised by our staff Liturgy Group. Thanks to Mrs Baird, Mr Docherty and Miss Kane for leading the children during lunch times. We are now in the month of November offering our prayers as a school community for those whom we know who have died, entrusting them to God’s heavenly care.

Mrs Dowling – Early Retirement

Mrs Dowling, Depute Headteacher since 1994 has announced her early retirement at Christmas this year. Almost all parents know Mrs Dowling through her long service here at Our Lady of the Missions. Her career began in St James’ Paisley where she spent a few years before taking up post as class teacher in Holmwood House in Cathcart in 1981.

Mrs Dowling has been responsible as depute headteacher for a number of significant remits during her outstanding career. These have included department responsibilities for both junior and senior pupils and Sacramental preparation of pupils for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. She has led on Additional Support Needs provision for a number of years. She has organised the annual Castle Toward / Ardentinny Primary Seven residential visit and has accompanied the children on eighteen occasions. We are all going to miss her immense talents and professionalism.

The staff will celebrate a Mass with Mrs Dowling before the end of term and there will also be a final assembly to allow our pupils to present Mrs Dowling with a small gift.

Mrs Dowling has asked that if any parents wished then they could make a donation to one of our charities to mark her retirement rather than a personal gift.


Yet another very successful outward bound experience for P7 pupils. Thanks to the children themselves who participated enthusiastically in all of the activities: gorge walking, archery, hill walking and abseiling / rock climbing, canoeing, and rock hop to name but a few. Water sports were to the fore this year and everyone had a splash! Thanks to our own staff who accompanied the children and to the staff of Ardentinny.

PSA Hallowe’en Party

Congratulations to the PSA committee who worked extremely well to ensure the success of this year’s Hallowe’en Party. The costumes worn by parents and children were absolutely fantastic. A great effort on everyone’s part!

Knitting Mania

A group of primary seven pupils met last week with some senior citizens who are keen to share their knitting skills with the next generation of learners. The group came into our school last year and the children enjoyed learning a new skill while hearing their recollections.

New Director of Education

Mrs Mhairi Shaw has been appointed our new Director of Education. Mrs Shaw had been head of education services since 2004. Her first position within East Renfrewshire Council was as head teacher of Mearns Primary School, a role she held for three years from 2001.

Autumn Walks

Primary one pupils and staff are about to experience the magnificent seasonal changes through their Autumn walks in Eastwood Park. They no doubt will enjoy rambling through the woods, collecting leaves, chestnuts and fir cones for their class nature tables. Our thanks go to parent helpers who have volunteered to accompany the children and staff.

Parents’ Evenings

The staff of the school are looking forward to welcoming you into school on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November when we will be conducting the first of our round of Parents’ Evenings. Appointment times will be issued later this week. These appointments will give you the opportunity to meet class teachers and to receive an update on your child’s progress. Members of the Senior Management Team and Support for Learning staff will also be on hand to answer any questions. Primary 7 pupils should attend the meeting with their parents.

Book Fair

A Book Fair will be held in the hall during Parents’ Evenings and you are invited to browse and/or buy any of the books on display.  A percentage of money raised will go into school funds.

Lost Property

The school lost property cupboard is bursting at the seams with many items of school uniform, all without labels and of excellent quality. I would urge each parent to take time to mark/label items for ease of recognition, as we are unable to return lost items to their rightful owners. All items will be placed in the Mensa area during Parents’ Evenings. Please take any items you feel belong to your children.

Charity Christmas Cards

We will be selling Christmas Cards during the Parents’ Evening on behalf of “Let The Children Live”, a Scottish Charity working with Columbian Street Children.

Academy Uniforms

Academy Uniforms will also be present in the school during Parents’ Evenings should any parent wish to purchase items of uniform.

Cross Country Races – Giffnock North Athletics Club  Rouken Glen Park   Sun 27th October  

Over 120 children from Primaries 5 to 7 took part with great enthusiasm in this year’s  cross country competition. Mr McCann, Miss Fawcett and Miss Dunn did a great job in preparing the children and organising such large numbers. Congratulations to members of Giffnock North who were responsible for superb coordination of the event. The weather certainly didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm.  Results for the event are available at Our Lady of the Missions was the overall winning school from East Renfrewshire – brilliant news! Primary 5 boys and girls came first, Primary 6 boys and girls and Primary 7 boys came second in their age groups.

Primary Prom Concert

Members of our school choir will represent the school at the annual Primary Prom Concert in Williamwood High School on Monday 18th November at 7pm. Thanks to Mr Docherty, Miss Kane and Miss McKenna for preparing the children. The choir will also perform at the Clarkston BID event at Clarkston Library car park on Sat 23rd Nov, details to follow.

St Columba Cantata

Mr Docherty is preparing P7b pupils to take part in the St Columba’s Cantata written by Monsignor Gerry Fitzpatrick which will be performed at Wellington Church, University Ave at 10am on Tues 19th November.

Parent Staff Association                                                     Christmas Fayre   Sat 7th Dec 1.00pm

The committee will now be turning its attention to the annual Christmas Fayre. Already the PSA has been busy securing donations for the annual Christmas Raffle. Raffle books will be issued via the children. Please send requests for additional raffle books into the school office. The Christmas Fayre is one of the PSA’s main fund raising activities and I am sure everyone will give their full support to this venture. Thank you.

Parent Council

The Parent Council has commenced a set of regular meetings this term to discuss a range of school related issues. I am delighted to have such a committed group of parents working on behalf of the wider parent forum. In addition to discussing joining the two school campuses via a link corridor, the Parent Council will also take part in various sub groups, covering such matters as the School Travel Plan, increased parental involvement, the school website and communications.

Attendance Tracking and Late Coming

The level of absenteeism remains within target and acceptable limits for the vast majority of pupils with only a few exceptions.

May I remind everyone that when a child is absent the school should be notified at the earliest opportunity. Office staff will continue to check all registers before 9.30am each day and text the parents of those children for whom we have no notification of absence. It is the parent’s responsibility then to contact the school. I’m sure you would agree that this shared responsibility should ensure that the whereabouts of all pupils is known and safeguarded.

I would ask that we all work together to reduce incidences of avoidable late coming and to try to ensure that pupils arrive for school by 8.55am, when the school doors open.

Traffic Management

I would urge parents who drive their children to school to:- 

  • Reduce speed considerably
  • Drive with caution
  • Use main car park as a drop off zone only first thing each day
  • Park sensibly
  • Do not reverse over/onto the footpath thus restricting access for pedestrians, pushchairs, etc
  • Do not encourage/allow children to walk amongst parked cars across the car parks

In order to minimise congestion further as an alternative, parents might consider parking outwith and making the final part of the journey on foot. Additional information and measures will follow as a result of the excellent work of the Traffic Sub Committee of the Parent Council. We will also have a Road Safety Week in November, further information will follow soon.


We have an excellent record here at Our Lady of the Missions regarding our school ethos and strong identity in the local community. This is strengthened by the fact that all pupils are proud to be associated with the school and wear full school uniform.

Thank you for your continued support to ensure that all children attend school in full uniform.

Christmas Concerts and Nativity Plays

Our infants are already looking towards Christmas and are just beginning to rehearse for the annual Nativity Concert. This year Primary 1 pupils will perform “Jump if you Love Christmas”, P1a & P1b will perform on Tuesday 10th December, and P1c & P1d on Wednesday 11th December, both in the morning at 11.30am.

In addition, Primary 2 and Primary 3 pupils will perform “Gabriel’s Big Break” in the afternoon from Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th December. Primaries 4 and 5 will also perform on the afternoons of Tuesday – Friday.

Programme:     1.00pm            Musicians – specific days tbc see attached calendar

                        1.15pm                        School Choir

                        1.30pm                        P4 & P5 – please see specific dates and times on attached calendar

                        2.00pm                        P2 & P3 – please see specific dates and times on attached calendar                   

Lending Library 

We are very lucky at Our Lady of the Missions that every class has the opportunity to borrow books from our lending library on a weekly basis, encouraging children to read a wide range of literature. Some Primary 7 pupils have been trained as librarians and will give books out on a Friday. If the book has been read it should be returned the following Thursday. In order to keep the library well stocked, it would be appreciated if you could ensure that books are returned. This is a wonderful opportunity for the younger children to share their library book with you.


Primary 1-4 now have their own class blog which can be accessed via Our Lady of the Missions’ Pupil Site within Glow. The purpose of this is to allow pupils to reflect on their learning, achievements and the progress they are making. It is designed to challenge, motivate and support all children. Class teachers are working with the children to blog what they have learned and the skills they have developed. The blogs also record achievements in and out of school. Please take the time to look at your child’s class blog and discuss it with them. It will give you a good insight into what they have been learning.

Primary 5-7 pupils are busy developing their e-portfolios.  These are intended to allow pupils to reflect on their learning, achievements and the progress they are making. Individual profiles can only be accessed through Our Lady of the Missions’ Pupil Site via Glow.  Children cannot access other children’s e-portfolios. They can only be accessed by the individual pupil and staff. Parents will be able to view their child’s e-portfolio by their child logging onto Glow.

School Website

Our website is regularly updated by Mrs Devlin. Look in the pupils’ section for pictures of recent activities. There may be occasions when your child’s picture appears on the school website, but their full name is not given. If you do not wish your child’s picture to appear on the website please inform the school in writing.

Please keep the attached list of dates and events detailing activities leading up to the Christmas Holidays for reference and please join the school when possible, e.g. Concerts, Parents’ Evenings, Christmas Fayre etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Charles Jamieson

Head Teacher

Date Event
Monday 4th November Head Teacher’s Surgery 3.10 – 5pm
  Autumn Walk P1a
  P7 Confirmation talk– St Joseph’s Church 7.00pm
Tuesday 5th November Autumn Walk P1d
  Egyptian Exhibition P3a and P3b pm school hall
Wednesday 6th November Autumn Walk P1c
  Egyptian Exhibition P3c and P3d pm school hall
  Vikingar P4c and P4d
Thursday 7th November Autumn Walk P1b
  Vikingar P4a and P4b
  P6 Stage Mass 1.45pm school hall
  Parent Council Meeting 7.00pm
Tuesday 12th November Parent Staff Association 7.00pm
Wednesday 13th November Parents’ Evening 3.55-6.45pm
Thursday 14th November Parents’ Evening 3.55-6.45pm
Tuesday 19th November St Columba’s Cantata P7b
  David Livingston P6a
Wednesday 20th November David Livingston P6b
Thursday 21st November David Livingston P6c
Friday 22nd November David Livingston P6d
  House Day Activities – details to follow
Saturday 23rd November Clarkston Gala Day – School Choir performing pm
Wednesday 27th November Tall Ships and Riverside Museum P5c and P5d
Thursday 28th November Tall Ships and Riverside Museum P5a and P5b
Tuesday 3rd December Parent Staff Association 7.00pm
Thursday 5th December School choir group– St Enoch’s Centre in aid of Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice
Friday 6th December First Friday Mass P7 St. Vincent’s Church
Saturday 7th December Christmas Fayre 1.00pm-3.30pm
Tuesday 10th December Nativity Play P1a/P1b  11.30amMusicians 1.00pm – Woodwind

School Choir 1.15pm

P4a & P5a 1.30pm

Nativity Play P2a & P3a 2.00pm

Wednesday 11th December Nativity Play P1c/P1d  11.30amMusicians 1.00pm – Strings

School Choir 1.15pm

P4b & P5b 1.30pm

Nativity Play P2b & P3b 2.00pm

Thursday 12th December Musicians 1.00pm – GuitarsSchool Choir 1.15pm

P4c & P5c 1.30pm

Nativity Play P2c & P3c 2.00pm

Friday 13th December Musicians 1.00pm – Individuals/Brass tbcSchool Choir 1.15pm

P4d & P5d 1.30pm

Nativity Play P2d & P3d 2.00pm

Monday 16th December P7 Enterprise Free Day – Non Uniform Day for charity
Tuesday 17th December Christmas Parties P4 – 6
Tuesday 17th December P7 Disco St Joseph’s Church Hall 7.00 – 9.00pm
Wednesday 18th December Christmas Parties P1 – 3
Friday 20th  December School closes for Christmas Holidays at 2.30pm and re-opens on Monday 6th January