2nd October to 6th October 2017

 In order for the trip to go well we would appreciate if you could read the information below.

The buses will be leaving school at 9.30am approximately and parents are welcome to wait and wave the children off. Please remember that the children require to bring a packed lunch on the day.


  • When dropping off children’s luggage please enter by the Mensa side door and not the main entrance. The children should take their sleeping bag to class if it is not packed in their case. Please ensure the sleeping bag and outer casing are labelled.
  • In the Gym Hall class labels will be clearly displayed for P7a,b, c and d. Please place luggage under appropriate class signs. The bus companies have agreed that the children whose parents cannot drop them at school may still use the bus facility and travel with their case.


  • There will be a table in the Mensa clearly marked Medication and all medication should be handed in on the day of the trip along with a completed ‘Administration of Medicines sheet (Appendix 8). There will be extra copies available at the table.
  • All medication should be clearly labelled.

Electronic Equipment

  • No electronic equipment is permitted.
  • Mrs Devlin will get in touch with parents if there is a need to do so.


Personal Belongings

  • All clothing, torches, water bottle and disposable cameras should be labelled.


  • To give you a flavour of what is happening throughout the week we will keep you updated on Twitter. A photograph of each activity group will be displayed as well as a selection of activities over the course of the week.


Friday 6th October

  • We will be leaving Lockerbie Manor at 2pm approximately and we hope to be back at school at around 3.30pm. This is only an approximation but we will keep you up to date via Twitter as traffic can determine our time of arrival. There will be no entry to the school car park until the school buses have left at 3.15.