Parent Equalities Forum: 19 January 2017 Minute

Present – Cllr Paul O’Kane, Janice Collins, Head of Education Services, Maureen Sneddon, Quality Improvement Officer.

Parent reps from Eastwood HS, Mearns Castle HS, Crookfur PS, St Cadoc’s PS, St Ninian’s HS, St Thomas’ PS, Neilston PS, Eaglesham PS. Teacher reps from St Mark’s PS, St John’s PS, St Cadoc’s PS, Braidbar PS, Giffnock PS, Mearns PS, Neilston PS

Apologies – Cllr Elaine Green

Cllr O’Kane welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Supporting Pupils with Identity Issues

MS indicated that there had been a small increase in the numbers of pupils who were expressing a desire to be transgender. Schools are being encouraged to take a supportive and measured approach. ERC will be working with the organisation Stonewall, and liaising with SCES as appropriate, to prepare a policy on this area for schools.

  1. EIS publications for teacher members on child poverty and misogynistic attitudes

MS highlighted the EIS produced booklets which had been circulated to schools for EIS members, giving information on the above and providing advice and suggested strategies for teachers in dealing with these issues.

  1. Parental Engagement

MS and JC outlined the education department’s plans regarding parental engagement including a parental engagement strategy which would include approaches to parenting, supporting learning at home and engaging with schools to support and influence school improvement.

  1. Celebrating Diversity

MS said that schools have been encouraged to actively seek opportunities to promote and celebrate the diversity of cultures and faiths within our schools as much as possible and to consider how parents might be more actively involved in this.

  1. Discussion re future Forum items

Some time was given over to small group discussion on:

  • Current key issues relating to equalities
  • Topics which could be considered for future Forums

Issues discussed were – further parental engagement, costs associated with school meals/supported study, equity, poverty, gender, potential  language barriers, parent equality and diversity groups in schools.


Suggested future topics were – parent equalities champions, further supporting children with ASN and with disability.


The next meeting will take place on 11 May in Mearns PS. This will be a showcase event of best practice across schools and will focus on parental engagement and celebrating diversity.


M Sneddon

January 2017