Gardening Club Volunteers

Gardening Club

On behalf of the School the PSA is enquiring to the level of interest there would be within the school community for a Gardening Club to maintain the garden that sits parallel to the Junior Department playground.

The gardening club would be open to parents, carers, grandparents and wider family who have an interest in gardening and could perhaps supply tools.  It would be out-with school hours with a commitment of perhaps a fortnightly or monthly rota dependent on time of year and work required and ideally the child would help also.

If this would be of interest could you email the PSA email address  or message us on Facebook (OLM PSA) advising what you would be able to commit to and obviously any suggestions you may have to how this could work.

Many thanks for your interest.

Bernadine Nordmann, Victoria Drugan

OLM PSA Co-Chairs.